MMP! Clicky here! x)

Why, hello thar, MMOTalers! :] Long time, no blog, eh? =D But really, let’s get tot his blog, ‘kay?


Only 9 levels left. =) Yay go me! :] With encouragement from Pat and all of my friends, I know I can get there. 8)


My cell-phone contact list expanded, due to good friends from Maple Story! Hee hee
-Pat (Lnuyasha1216 – of course he’s on the list. 8D~)
-Jeff (Freedom1331, Mrjumpshot)
-Max (xXVeggieXx)
-Fate (xfatecb, xxfatemagixx)
-Drae (DraEE)
-Peter (thetrueninja)
-Mar (Mariahcherry)
-Izzy (Show0ff, xwawa)
-Quang (Quit MS)
-Sang (Quit MS)
-Alec (Quit MS)

Keeping contact outside of Maple Story, FTW.
Also—Max cussed me out when I called him. :] I LOVE YOU MAX~slip’. ‘kay, now when I’m away from MS, I can still play with my awesome friends. *o* Yayyyyy *texts people* x3

Admire and compliment my editing skills! (Refer to pic 1) That’s the current look of Kitxsin, my character. And me. 8D~

Anyways, here the ‘what’s been up’:
-Got a FRing with Mar. =) Jeff, Chris, and Fate are next. Wewt~

-Did TONS of smega-in! Went through 26 smegas in a week! @.@ WHAAAT?!?! Yarly~
-Alan (120 sin) rescued me from a KSer at Red Drakes. PWN~ I’d like to see someone else call me a “lying noob” when I tell them I have the ultimate KSing weapon on the way.

-Did tons of quests in Omega Sector. It was my first time ever being there, and Pat showed me around.

-Speaking of Pat, I lost my Pat for a week. ( =( mother, and the deal was this: If he did really well in the Piano Ralley on Saturday, she wouldn’t force him to practice piano so much. Which meant he had more time to play Maple Story and spend time with meeeeee. =]~

-I met Alley (ladyFriend)! And she is awesomez0r~

-Ninja is a PERVERT. [ / embarrass Ninja] Who woulda thought that your precious Ninjar’s mind had a home away from home: THE GUTTER. I have screenie proofs! xP He’s still cool, though. In a phreakish perverted ninja way. ._. Yeah… Whatever. *cough*

-I danced and disconnected around the new Korean Folk Town! OMG, is that a VULPIX?!?! Omg, Nexon. GameFreak will definitely be hearing about this. I’m telling.

-Bill (101 WK) sold me a set of tobis for 750k. ONGEE 800k mesos gain~!

-Speaking of meso gains, I’m poor. ._. No, srsly. After scrolling a 42 att, 1 slot, 4 luk sapphire gig, I went from 15mil+ to 2mil-. BURN. @_@ But my damage is MASSIVE~!
Random nub: ONFG, R U DEXLESS?!@#$
Me: ^^ NUP~!
LAWL. Modesty is for SQUARES. (And wannabe rectangles.)

– *insert more complaining here about a Pat-less week* I thought about him for like… 23/24 hours a day. Even in my SLEEP. @_@ The other 1/24 hour(s) was my “Shower Hour”, and that’s all me time, baby. *insert the Ninja turning my “Shower Hour” into a dirty joke* >____>;; Lawl.

– With advice from Mary (

-98%. 59 throwing stars left. 5 MP pots left. OMG NOOO! ”You are unable to attack because you our out of throwing stars.” ONFGONFGWAINOWWWWW~!@#$ Fate to the rescue! In all his pixilated glory, he showed up, partied me, and got my last 2% towards level 61. He even doored me back when I recharged! 8D KTHXFATE.

– T_T;; MY KITTY A’SPIRED. Excuse me. Expired. So I, along with Chris, revived him in Ludi. WEEBEEZEE, MASTER PATRICK!

And now for the GRAND FINALE~!
Mmkay. Here we go. Please fasten your seatbelts, and keep all arms and legs in the ride at all times. Secure any loose objects—E.G.: Purses, and– *brick’d* OMG OW. D:

AUNT MARISSA WANTS YOU! *points finger*
To join Global Scania.
I mean—‘cause like. . . Everyone who’s anyone is doing it! @_@ Consider this a formal invitation. (Especially for those who were planning to come, but kept hesitatin’. *cough*Gujju*cough*
So many of us MMOTalers play there! If you can look past the bad:
-Stupid nubs and scammers

And instead, look at the good:
-Friends to be made~
-Guilds to be joined~
GM’s on crack~ (And yes, they’ll share their stash. *elbows Cheezy* ^.~)
-Cookies (Wait, this doesn’t count… D: )
-Random people will make you laugh. o.O Fer serious.

But no, srsly. Our GM’s smoke weed and get high before they get on MS. ._. But it’s all in good laughs! c[=
Aaaaaaaand, think about all of the new opportunities~!!!
With so many (hopefully! :]) of you MMO’ers starting together at once, you can train together and hang out and cool stuffs like that.
Starting out all-new with a bunch of your friends, FTW!
Race ya to level 10!
Who’ll get to their second job advancement first?! (Hackers will be smooshed by my robotic Anni clone. *points to a huge metallic parakeet in the corner of the room* )

Nezzy: . . . Wth, Mar?! ._.
Me: But-but-but . . . *opens meso bag* *a fly flies out* *poutpout* D:
Nezzy: . . . *squishes Mar*

But really. GTFO of your server and come to Scania. We’ll call this movement. . . THE GREAT MIGRATION! ;D
. . .
Grrr. Fine.

MMP!!! MARISSA’S MIGRATION PLAN! Join the club! Who’s with me?! *raises fist* >D

Don’t whine about leaving all of your friends behind! BRING THEM TOO! D:

And Liyah volunteers to keep you all company. =]~

Liyah: Um. . . o.O Whatchusay, Mar?
Me: ONGEE, plocks plocks plocks and Livi and Max can help!
Livi: ^^ Weeeeee!
Max: Orly?
Liyah: And what will you be doing? o_o
Me: . . . >D Playing wif Pat.~ ;D

Anyways. . .~ Questions? Comments? Complains? Hoars? (plz. . . ._.)
My IGN is Kitxsin. Don’t sent me MMOTmail. MMOTmail is evil. ;[ E-mail me at marlovesyou(at)
MMP! MMP! *chants* *gathers a crowd*
Join MMP today! KSers? Psssh. We native-born scanians’ll rescue you.
And—wait, WAIT!

Hahahaha. I bet you guys are all sitting there going: “Wait… Who is Kitten again? Okay, so we know her name is Mar, but WHO is she? Where the heck did this chick ocme from? O___o;; ”

So lets get my introduction over here and nao. Shall we?

My name is Marissa Lockhard, but I go by Mar. I’m 16 years old, and I’ll be 17 in July. I live in California, and I’m in the 11th grade, advanced placement. I live with my parents and older brother. I stopped getting an allowance at age 15, ‘cause I got a job working at Subway. (Eat fresh! *kicks a whole in Quizno’s wall*) So, between keeping gas in my car, paying car insurange, my cell phone bill (Triple digit, thanks to Pat and my other long-distanced friends~ ._.;; ), and relinquishing my uncontrollable shopping addiction, I waste money on adorable pixilated clothes and items. 8D I can honestly say that since about January ’07, I’ve wasted $300.00 on NX. =P Schweet. I have a B+/A- average. *stabs Chemistry and Advanced Algebra II with Trig* I don’t put tons of effort into school because I’ve already been accepted into the college I want. SAC STATE, FTW. Patrick Yeung. _> Maple only attracted me ‘cause of the cutesy graphics. . .) Now you know all that is Mar
If you haven’t figured it out already, I like using bold and italics. ;D
Love me, ph33r me, hate me, adore me.~
Whatever you do, just join MMP! ^^

P.S.: I joined that icky, icky profile! My screenname thingy is Marissa. *all shocked that it wasn’t already taken* Add plocks! :]
P.P.S.: Watch this video! link
P.P.P. S.: To any EternalAngel members reading this blog, relax. I haven’t left you all. I’m just vacationing in our allied guild, the StarSailors! BRB, EternalAngel.

15 thoughts on “MMP! Clicky here! x)”

  1. LunarPanda said: “What is with you and Aliyah writing awesome but long blogs?”

    I usually write long blogs, instead of wrigint 3-5 short ones.
    Busy busy. @_@
    This one is actually pretty short, compared to my others!

  2. WHAT?! I fund every single person?! Are you insane?!

    I’m broke enough as it is, I scrolled my 9dex gaia cape, and that pushed 25mil down the drain.



  3. LMAO

    Thank’s for volunteering me Mar! But of course I’ll keep them company! <33

    By the way, cute blog x)

  4. Pshaaw SAC STATE isn’t so great.

    NOW CAL TECH that is an awesome school

    P.S. Congrtz on level 61


  5. Hello. I am new to MMO and I just clicked on this blog because it was the first one I saw. I was wondering. Why do you have a picture of yourself? How does that relate to the blog? Why are you trying to make more people come to scania? It is already crowded as it is, why do you want to make it more crowded? Why can’t you simply make more characters in your friends’ worlds? Also. I was wondering, how long have you been on MMO Tales? From looking on your MMOID I can see that it has obviously been awhile. Then, why the heIl do you have a brief biography about yourself? If anything, put that into your first blog. And why do we care how much money you spend and who you text? Seriously, I think you are trying to get some attention. Well this was definitely not a good blog for me to see my first time.

    Another thing. I am DISGUSTED by how you have other people do the work for you (Nezzy, Liyah, and Livi) when you are the one that wants people to come to scania. And from looking at one of your comments:

    nezinshadows said: “WHAT?! I fund every single person?! Are you insane?!

    I’m broke enough as it is, I scrolled my 9dex gaia cape, and that pushed 25mil down the drain.



    I can tell that you didn’t even ask them.

    On top of that, you are a kitten freak! Yes, I am a dog freak but girls who are obsessed with cats are slutty because cats in their own way are slutty.

    You are Mar? As in the sea (in Spanish)? Oh please. Sea > You. As a matter of fact I don’t think you compare. I don’t think you will see me around MMO Tales that much. Sucks for me because I spent so long trying to perfect my typing, so I could be welcomed into this site. I don’t know though, probably not going to stay if this is an example of a really good blog. It’s on the first page, meaning that obviously the people that like this blog agree with everything she says.

    [h]Goodbye MMO Tales. I am truly sorry if some of you are not like her, but this was just a bit too “annoying” if you can call it that.[/h]

  6. @WhoareYou (Aka-Retarded Piece of Crud)

    Just what the heck is wrong with you?
    She’s awesome, you’re just some sad little boy trying to gain attention.
    And in case you can’t read, most of her blog was on MapleStory. People can choose whatever the heck animal they want, no one wants to follow your pathetic path. How are cats “Slutty”? Are you an idiot? Cats are quite dignified, they can crap in their litter box, and have amazing balance abilities, along with being honored as gods in Egypt.
    Nezzy is friends with Kitten, you sick, retarded freak, he funds her on his own free will, she has not held a gun to his head.
    And not everyone makes a bio of themselves, she didn’t here, it’s just a picture of her. And a picture’s worth a thousand words, so shut up and leave this site.

  7. Well, since you are ‘new’ here, you don’t have the right to judge what a good blog is. It was obvious that Mar was joking about some things.

    Her friends ARE in scania,

    If you don’t care what she says, don’t read.

    You can’t say goodbye before you say hello.

    And I know for a fact you’re not new. It’s obvious.

  8. Looks like someone forgot to take his happy pill this morning.
    You fail at trying to flame Marissa’s blog. Nice attempt.
    In fact–you only succeeded in sounding totally jealous.
    Too bad for you.

    (MAR! Add me to the Cell-buddy list, YOU HAVE MY NUMBER TOO! lmao)
    EDIT: Did you make that second account just so you could agree with what you said with the first account? Hahahahaha!

  9. Yeah… he did… pathetic, eh? I think I know who it is too…

    *doesn’t tell to save them the humiliation and reputation loss*

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