So today marked (basically) my first day of summer vacation. Wootful. Upon entering Maple though, I hadn’t a clue on what I was going to do today. I had just accidently leveled the night before (Accidently, because I wasn’t purposely training the whole 100%), so I figure I should just do whatever came to mind.
“Hm… How about Fire Drakes? Why not. I hear of their dropping the lovely Steely stars, and I wouldn’t mind getting a hold on those. As well… people say those lizards make a fine roast. I lick my lips to the sound of that. Especially the treasure… oh yes.” said Ayame the thief.
So off I went to the mountainous Perion. People often say it’s hard to find a channel that isn’t knocked up by ice mages and assassins. However, I may have been in luck. I found a pleasantly empty area, and proceeded to do what I do. Hop around, wall to wall, throw stars, sing a song. The fire drake’s breaths burn though… Thank goodness for super healing food items. Unagi. <3
While fighting, I realized I was leaning towards the ‘accidental’ training again. My percentage slow rose to 10% and above, and so I figured…
“Aimlessly hunting for treasure brings mindless joy to experience. And you don’t even realize it until you look at the bottom right of the screen.”
Not much success of treasure hunting. All I got was a violet platina, I think it was.
Time ellapsed. I believe I went off to Mushmom with Dave (TheMagicPie), and as well, Nick (Folding) came too. Found a channel, waited. There was a bandit and mage there I think. Definately a mage, because he vacced the mushmom to the corner of the map, but we killed it in flat out three seconds. I would’ve reported that mage but I already used up my report. (A character walked through my frakes earlier with noticeable godmode. Idiots. ._.)
Anyway. Dave said he needed some tauromacis horns for a quest of his, so the three of us took the cab to the dungeon. Shadow (ShadowRhasta) said he would like to tag along, as well as Za (Arcel). Down at macis we split up and took different maps. Tauromacis runs are rather amusing to me. Fun stuff. But some point, I watched as Dave died and Shadow ran in to fill in for him. After he returned, we all went to our maps and gathered up the horns.
Meanwhile I watched as the mesos and experience flew in… “Money, money, money~” Didn’t I find a jousting helm, too? Yep. Nick had one on his head, too.
After that was over with, we split up once again. With Shadow, I decided we return to frakes for the hell of it. Once repotting, we met up at Perion… stopped at seeing Shadow’s twin from yesterday… and off we went.
Nothing to be gained once again but just a bit more experience.
Once Shadow had departed, I only spent a few more moments of my time fighting. But since the valleys were empty enough, and no comrades to see, I departed to the starry night.
“What’s this? 30%?! Sheesh, I should be aimless more often…”
Thus concludes my adventure for today! What else awaits?
– Kitsune
(MaskOfSmak = <3)
HI! This is making feel guilty by not staying longer last night. T.T
Anyway, hope to read more of your blogs. ^^
~See you later, Shadow