Well, today I finally got my Zakum helmet. At level 50 . I bought it from pirates, a single run for 70mil. From what I understand I’m the first person to have gotten a Zakum helmet on a package one deal from Pirates. Not to mention I got it at level 50. I felt pretty proud of myself.
After getting the helm, I PQ’d a couple times and got to level 51 at FoG. I’m ready for some serious grinding and money making tomorrow . If you wanna chat, you can always buddy MrHakujin of Bellocan. Anyways, here’s some screens:
YAY for bellocan, im in bellocan also. lvl 41 dit currently
and GRATZ! awesome for lvl 50. lucky you. i cant afford one.
Grats : D
Wish i had one x.x
aww maaannn T.T
i am only lvl 16 on bellocan and no friends there ;__;
cool zakum helmet !
the pirates guild there is nicer than the pirates guild in widnia? .___.;;
I have a level 9 magician noob on Bello. XD;;
FUnded much? , Anyways I’ll making a simlar blog about this when I get to level 50 ;]
isnt pirates the guild piratejing is in?
He’s in Bellocan. The Pirates of Windia is where Jing is.
Congrats on your zakum helmet! ^^
Aww lucky, only 70mil?
In Windia there like 90-100mil