Ack, the GMS .45 patch was extended by two hours. I can’t remember a patch in GMS that hasn’t been extended now . I just got my Fraps registered and I really want to make a movie, and work on getting to level 70 soon. 18 levels until 3rd job . Anyways, the 00045.txt file was added to the GMS FTP, but it still has all of the old .44 info on it.
.45 FTP Info
I’ll keep you guys posted, and blog about what I find next.
My speculations for the patch are an extension to the Halloween event, and possibly Showa since we can get the Showa milks from LMPQ now. Happy waiting, Maplers~ 1 hour and 50 minuets to go
You think you’re pissed? >_>
I’m lvl 69 with 81% >_>
Ooh jeez. That must suck.
I’m only level 57, with 70% so meh, s’all cool. Can’t wait for the new stuffs :p
lol I’m lvl 29 with 93%
Oh Burn?
There has been a patch that had been extended longer than that
Like I think earlier in the year.
Like four hours or summat.