The everything opposite-day. T 3 T

Allright, new blogger here~ Hello!♥
So! On to the happenings~

Whoah, I’ve been connected to Flyff the longest time so far since I’ve played. My connection sucks, and so I solo most of the time because I never know when I will be able to go online. I have one friend though (wohoo.. XD) and am in a guild. (FlamingLogitech, don’t know anyone from there, but accepted anyways.)

I really hope I will be able to CW someday even though of my connection problems.. But I don’t think I should be dreaming of that, since I’m only lvl 25 yet^^’

Aww, and just now, I helped a newbie find the mage instrctor~ *_* I really love helping people. (He even offered cash but.. For such a small thing? Not needed~ ♥ ) … But it turned out he already completed the assist job change. Then you can’t change anymore? Is that so? He couldn’t. Awaww. One less mage for Lawolf.

And also, how hard can it be to find 3 Bluehoney’s! ; _ ; There’s this guy selling 90+ of them in his shop, but for what, 99.999? nu-uh I say. And when I kill Wagsaacs I only get food, eqs and seedlings. This whole day has been a ‘I think like that, the opposite happens’-day. T _ T (even with basic rl stuff: ‘ooh there are no snails today – wait there’s one -_-‘ ‘ooh it’s cold but no frostyness – wait that lwan’s covered with it’… and so on ALL DAY and it realy pissed me off. XD)

And gawd, I still haven’t finished a pic I’m drawing of my mage. XD He still has his Asron outfit then.. Now I have Dice, soon Rodney. ♥ And Flyff art business hasn’t been going too well either. Do people really prefer CG so much over traditional? I’d love to CG too but my tablet broke. T _ T

Bleh? Suddenly this guy from DNA mobile phone connection calls me, and says “Hi, this is DNA, we’ll be talking for some time now^^” and I’m like “….Hell no. -_- *trying to lvl in flyff-“

What no, I’m not at all addicted to Flyff. BD ♥ ….. But I should be studing math, equation-series, we have a test tomorrow and I’m screwed, because I never count the stuff right, always some mistake.. Nuuh. Want. To. Play. Flyff. Instead. XD

Oh well, see ya~ Added a WIP of the magepiccy I’m working on *__* ♥ (it’s already in coloring stage actually) (I hope it’s ok to upload even though it’s not a screen?)

13 thoughts on “The everything opposite-day. T 3 T”

  1. Welcome to MMOTales! Awesome picture. Did you draw it? If so. . .
    Hooray! Another artist!

    Anyway, Anni will come along to tell you the rules, or someone else will quote her and tell you the rules.

    Just be nice, be literate, have MMO-related blogs, or you will feel teh wrath of teh BANHAMMER OF D00M!

  2. Hi, welcome to MMOT~! And yay, another fellow Flyffer. I’m on the Aibatt cluster.

    I love to CG, but I can’t draw D: . . . and I love the pic of your mage. (^__^)

  3. OHHH another new blogger AND artistXD welcome nice drawing ^^

    that style that you’re drawing is called realistic isn’t it? I like it^^

  4. yh2thalo said: “OHHH another new blogger AND artistXD welcome nice drawing ^^

    that style that you’re drawing is called realistic isn’t it? I like it^^”

    Looks more like anime. >.>;; Eep! Double post!

  5. I got a Blue Honey within 5 minutes of hunting. Maybe I was lucky, or you’re unlucky.

  6. LunarPanda said: “

    yh2thalo said: “OHHH another new blogger AND artistXD welcome nice drawing ^^

    that style that you’re drawing is called realistic isn’t it? I like it^^”

    Looks more like anime. >.>;; Eep! Double post!”

    “realistic” is an anime style (proportions like in real life, eyes not too big blablabla)

  7. Welcome to teh MMO Talezors.

    What server do you play in? Maybe if you play Lawolf I can help you with my level 28 merc. ^^

  8. I’d do the Official Annikabelle greeting, just for you. Since you play FlyFF and draw so good. 8D

    Annikabelle said: “HIIIIIIIIIII .


    Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
    [Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]

    Talk about MMO-Related stuff .

    Don’t Spam .
    [I once spammed. Note the past tense. *Nods at Ink*]

    Blog about MMO-related stuff .

    Be nice <3

    And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .

    Don’t talk 1337 .

    Type properly, legibly, don’t use short forms too often, and use paragraphs <3

    Don’t rant about hackers; we’ve had enough of blogs debating whether hackers are [*Negatives*] or not.

    Don’t make popularity blogs .

    Read the rules if in any doubt .

    Don’t cuss .

    Do not make one-liners unless there’s a comic in it . 8D

    Blog about your ENTIRE MMO DAY not just a section .

    Do not start a flame war . Doing any of the above can cause one. If you dislike someone of MMOT, don’t say it. Just ignore the person.

    Anything irrelevant to MMO can go in Profil3 <3

    *Shakes your hands with great force*

    – *Hands you a MuffinMallow*

    Try it .

    Its delicious <3

    And not poisoned .

    -Tries to hide poison bottle behind back-

    *Snaps fingers*

    Greetings, you are now completely under my control . You will obey the rules, and do everything as mentioned above, to prevent yourself from being burnt .

    And you SHALL obey all of the above, or I’ll hunt you down .

    Beware of the fluffy parakeets waving the pillows of feathers at the cow jumping over the orange singing “We wish you a merry Christmas” completely off key, because cows can’t sing for an ice cream watch. The orange screams, and jumps off the cupboard just to find a tsunami screaming that the sky was falling and penguins were riding on sea turtles! Run because a guy in a Halloween costume turned into a dwarf and is currently raiding a sweet shop, and ignoring the coconuts being thrown on him by radioactive lizards! >;O

    Fifteen men on a dead men’s chest!
    Yo-hoo ~ and a bottle of rum!
    What are you doing, you parakeets!
    Don’t squish the captain’s feet!
    The ship’s doctor’s face turned red-
    OH CURSE IT, he cried!

    And the pirates were sued by a bunch of parrots that were actually illegally transported ladybirds who ate beds. The fluffy pillow was impaled by a nuclear weapon when a pirate hypnotized a piece of bread. The pirate jumped off a seashell when he realised that cats were extraterrestrial monsters that were taking over earth, and still couldn’t believe it even when a wall thermometer slapped him in the brain! The deceased captain rose in his coffin and mumbled that he had a great sleep, and he petrified his mourners who were eating purple caterpillars and being drunk. Then he rode on shark, and bought a circus, and called it “JAWS” and made a movie, which led to the prejudice of sharks.©”

    Yes, the wisdom of the MMOtales ages. XD

    And yeah, hunting for gather quests are such pain in the behinds. XD The other day, I was looking for THREE Moonstones, and hell, it took half an hour before those silly stone thingummies would drop them.

    The Gods of MMORPG Chance hates all of us.

  9. Thanks for the welcomings~ * 3 * ♥

    Mikuni: Thank you!^__^ Yeah, I did 8D
    Nice, literate, MMO-related, Why yes, I think that’d be possible. ;D

    Lunar: I’m going to somehow have one player on each server, if I get around to XD; So we might meet. :3

    Roisin: Thank you^__^

    Erk: Ghaa. XD though, I found someone who sold them after a while. :3

    Thalo & Lunar: Well yes, it is kinda, more realistic, animestyle XD; I can draw those sparkly big eyes too, but dislike it.

    Vicelin: Yeah, it’s the same as this id. XD Keizoku.

    Potato: Thanks, I’m also on lawolf^__^ lvl 27 mage. :3

    Silver: , lots of text. XD -reads- -gets poisoned- and wth was that totallyrandom story. X”’D
    Oh yes, but, if you get tired of hunting, you can just ask in the place if anyone sells the stuff :3 Mostly I’m lucky and find someone. (and usually get them for free XD)

    Fenrir: * 3 * WEREWOLF. -pets-

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