Oh joy, what a day. … Although it’s still only 2pm, but anyways. ^^ After two tests and P.E. , I can finally relax at the keyboard to play Flyff. > 3
First, QUESTION! About answering comments. If I quote them (in the actionbar it says ‘reply’ in the url), will they know I ‘replied’/quoted?^^’ Because in my last blog, people asked stuff and I’d like to answer..
|| Music: WoWa – Namie Amuro / Rush – UVERworld / lots of stuff by KOTOKO
|| Goal of today: Getting to wear whole Rodney set! * 3 *
… So when I start up, I type my password wrong. The next time, I happened to have caps lock on. I was banned from login for a little time. Yay. XD -failage-
Well, now I’m in. All of Lawolf’s servers were normal, for once!
So, now, I’m currently on a few quests. Need matchsticks, office documents and unkown letters – All of them fairly easy to get since Matchsticks are often sold in Saint Morning (I love that town LOTS, byt the way T 3 T ♥ ♥ ♥ ) and the documents and letters spawn just like that on the ground. (Near Mia in SM and Lodelight in Flaris.)
And as I was on my way to collect letters, I get desconnected. Even though my brother’s not at home with his computer connected. (Because I disconnected it :”’D ♥ ) (see my connection is sucky when his is on)
Whee, got killed by an aggro violet troupe magician? HOW?D: -failage- -went back and killed it as revenge ♥ – And I tried to find the ‘map of fortress’, it should be at plain of bubble right? (and after that, I need a party for the next parts? nooo…..)
Completed the quests now, yay. But I didn’t get enough exp to turn lvl 26.. -goes kill Mr Pumpkins- Ooh that’s one place I also love~ Gotta draw a pic with that town.. Pumpkins all around.. *__* ♥ And cool, the guild I’m in got an icon now^__^
Whee, lvl 26.5! (Meaning soon I can equip the whole Rodney set!! Yesh new outfit! I lvl up mostly because of the outfits.. XD)
But atm I have a private shop up.. Because I had to do stuff AFK.. And people actually buy!; 3 ; happiness! ♥Oh and btw, what is a transy worth? Keep in mind I’m on Lawolf so it’s probably more expensive than other servers.
.. Oh no, my brother came home. D: This will mean bad connection. I hope he won’t get mad I disconnected him yet again. (He’s downloading Prison Break torrents : P) …. He connected. -got kicked out of the game- Argh, now lvling will be hard. At least I don’t have computer class tomorrow so I can play in the morning^_^ -addict XD-
Aight, now I’ll be playing some more, even though of the bad connection~ You might find me at Lawolf 2^_^
Ohandomgwhat. XD My first blog ended frontpage.
The pictures uploaded this time are:
¤ 1&2: (closeup and fullview)Update on mage piccy! It’s finished! ♥ The blue isn’t the right shade, but hey, copic ciao are limited~ I’m happy anyways. (note I took the pics with a camere >_>; eheh)
¤ 3: Me and my friend/flyff gf who wants to become a mercanary, and then I blade I guess. Blades are totally cool. ; 3 ; ♥ I want one too.. But.. They need an RM/assist na? …… ; _ ; -stabs connection-
A shield? Pft! Staffs, FTW!
Saintmorning = lagfest for me. Unless I fly high enough, that is. (All graphics options on low, and still lagfest.) Thankfully, I’ve never had a disconnect that was my internet’s fault. Only the crappy crash bugs. Before somebody says “OMG UPGRADE THAT FOSSIL MAN!” I’m working on it. I just need research to know what the heck to do with graphics cards and which one to get.
Saintmorning = lagfest for me. Unless I fly high enough, that is. (All graphics options on low, and still lagfest.) Thankfully, I’ve never had a disconnect that was my internet’s fault. Only the crappy crash bugs. Before somebody says “OMG UPGRADE THAT FOSSIL MAN!” I’m working on it. I just need research to know what the heck to do with graphics cards and which one to get.
Noo, not staffs, XD -needs the extra defence-
Ah. Mine doesn’t lag at all. o_o Not even if I’m on first server, (and I have all graphic options on highest, sometimes shadow detail middle because i don’t like too much shadow XD) Awaww, we have a crappy wireless connection that’s supposed to reach 3 comps and my room is furthest away, .__.
Cool drawing and nice colouring ^_^
Thank you!^3^
Awesome Drawing and coloring.
Your FlyFF Magician looks frighteningly similar to mine. o.o
Your FlyFF Magician looks frighteningly similar to mine. o.o”
Hahah, XD Though now I got a new weapon and Rodney set^^
Love the drawing. You have ownage coloring. =]
My friend kept bugging me *cough*Steve*cough* to play FlyFF, so I downloaded it. . . but I never got around to properly playing it.
My friend kept bugging me *cough*Steve*cough* to play FlyFF, so I downloaded it. . . but I never got around to properly playing it.
Oh shush, I’ll be forcing you to play tomorrow. Get on MSN! >=]
Awesome picture. You even have that wand that I consider the best to bop people’s head with. ^^
I don’t like Saintmorning. I got lost in it more than once when doing my Magician advancement, and I STILL get lost in it, so many levels later
And if you want to reply, you could just comment back on your own blogs; people would check back. I know I would.
Aye, that mage is purtty good. I can’t manage any better.
Mikuni: Thank you!^__^
Awaww, then what do you mostly play?^^
Silver: Thank you^^ Hahah, but I got another now, XD
o_O I’ve never got lost in it. And thus, I have helped alot of other players become magician .*__* < 3 (since not many else seem to find anything in SM, XD)
Allright, I’ll do like in this post then, just sum up all my replies in one post?c:
Cheeze: Thanks!^^
I mostly play Audition. I used to play Scions of Fate and I “re-“started Trickster.
But SOMEONE is forcing me to play FlyFF. I’m on the Aibatt server or whatever you call it. =]
Allrigjt, don’t know any of those but Trickster. XD (Or well, heard about it, but nothing more, )
Hahah, XD Aibatt yuss. :3