OMG NOOBS!!!!!( first blog )

Well, yesterday, i went to ellinia to go to orbis, then, some noobs ( lvl 17 ) says, ” mesos plox.”
(me) uhhhh no
(him) me will defame u to death!!!
(me) ummm. . . to death?
(him) my guild will defame u to death!!!
(me) * looks at character, notices he has no guild * umm you don’t have a guild
(him) mesos plox or i defame u!
(me) no!
(him) my guild will defame u to death!!! mwuahahahahahah!!
(me) ok w/e *buys ticket to orbis*
(him) mesos plox!
(me) umm what! he got a guild!
(him) imma folo u until u give me mesos!
(me) like i care
*noob’s guild comes*
(him) defame that guy now!!!!
*i went on ship*
(him)*whisper to me* where’d u go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahahah NOOBS

15 thoughts on “OMG NOOBS!!!!!( first blog )”

  1. Noob: meso plz (lvl 20)
    Me: ? (lvl 12)

    XD i died laughing!(cant spell sorry T.T)

  2. omgitsmithri said: “Noob: meso plz (lvl 20)
    Me: ? (lvl 12)

    XD i died laughing!(cant spell sorry T.T)”

    Oh, I sometimes go around begging for money too. Usually dressed in a newby outfit

  3. XDD I luv dressing up as a newb and going around with clothes from random lvls that look good, XD Jeans with red hearted earrings with red viper and yadayadayada, XD it looks really nice and I go around killing stuff and usually, lower lvls are like, O__________O

  4. pirkid said: “

    blackboy0 said: “DUSTINM02 SHUT THE FRIK UP NO1 CARES”

    what u said


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