15 thoughts on “MapleVideos: Hamtaro”

  1. deathwalker said: “you know Bijou is a girl? she’s the little white french 1. You portraid her as a boy T_T”

    lol i know
    but i dont like bijou ;_; alot
    cus TT-TT i got all the ham ham teddys and one night when i had hamtaro in my arms bijous big butt kept going in my way of sleeping TT-TT

  2. drunkdaddy said: “Hamtaro. . .
    wow. . .
    you’re not Japanese are you?

    Naw, I didn’t think so.”

    wakari masen D:
    im half, other helf is viet

  3. Kajikurai said: “ROFL. You and your friends must have a lot of time on your hands.

    naa i just woke up and went to my comp and said i wanna make a vid of thsi song O_o

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