i sketched, inked, and colored on photoshop o.o (porportion maybe a little off >_<, i draw better on paper than i do on the computer)
it took me 1hr 42 minutes, and the clothes arent from ms D
[ link ] and the eyes are blue because i dont have shades of light red in photoshop @_@
and a note from me
Dont go around saying looking for bf/gf + with nx
find someone you love regardless of what their character looks. Pick a person for their heart.
15 thoughts on “KataroChan Drawing”
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Looking for gf with NX pl0x!
Kidding. XD
Very nice drawing, you’re a good artist.
Teehee. I subscibed to stalk you on DA :3
cool drawings, now if only I drew that good O:
You pwn.
I’m in 8th grade and I can’t even perfect the art of stick figures.
-cries in corner-
I’m in 8th grade and I can’t even perfect the art of stick figures.
-cries in corner-“
There, there. I’m in 10th and I can’t draw stick figures either. -_-
Nice, but you’re gonna make mip go crazy.
It’s off topic. Read her blog.
It’s fine, Quang. They mention MS, I’m happy.
Lovely drawing, by the way.
Lovely drawing, by the way.
Oh so ANYTHING involved with MapleStory is fine?
Sorry for being paranoid
Nice drawing, btw it reminds me of Zelda: The windwaker.
Lovely drawing, by the way.
Oh so ANYTHING involved with MapleStory is fine?
Sorry for being paranoid
So. . . I can still post my drawings as blogs, as long as they are MMO related. . .
Sorry for being paranoid
Well, there’s a fine line from which I judge. Most blogs mentioning MMOs will pass, however, spam will not. I will be judging carefully, and if my judgement is questionable, I’ll drop them a line giving them a chance to change their blog. However, I don’t count this as spam, since there’s a bit of caption, and the picture has effort on it. <3
It’s so cuteee! the drawing kind of looks like Lacus Clyne. Chibified. (Is that a word? o.O"
Where’s the arms for this little critter?
~Cheezy the Slightly Befuddled
It’s a really cute drawing