A really bad trader. -_- (EDIT VERSION)

I was on Basil market, and someone was buying something from me. 3 command center warp capsules, to be exact. I finally got to whisper him and he said “Ok, I’ll trade ASAP, but I need to check the price real quick.” THose weren’t his exact words, but he actually logged off and ditched me instead of checking the price. Then later, I whispered him and he said “I am not buying it from you anymore, cuz my freind gave me some for free.”
I was mad, and I kept my cool, and out of pity, I gave him positive feedback. Then he gave me a negative comment saying I was very confusing. Um, HE was the confusing one here. Has anyone encountered a person like this before?

This person just told me that they had actually feedback’d before we got to talk about the whole thing where he got one for free. He confessed it WAS indeed a mistake. I give my apollogies for misunderstanding the other person in this story. He did have a reason for logging off and did truly get some capsules for free. Now that I understand, this person is not confusing.

12 thoughts on “A really bad trader. -_- (EDIT VERSION)”

  1. It’s sad that they are a level 33 noob. And I think the whole “I got some from a friend” was just to get out of the trade cause they didn’t have the money or something. -_-

  2. Aw dang. And right when I was 1 feedback away from getting 5 so I could post and such. And now I need 2 more. This makes me mad. RAWR.

  3. noobs dont reproduce, nor will they ever. they just, like, bud, or something, along those general lines,

  4. how can i get my story to the front faster? i only have 2 posts and no likeys! someone view plz

  5. Haha, that happened with me. THis guy named “Nucks” agreed to sell me icy’s, but I contacted him once, and I never saw him again.

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