Yey. ^^

So today I found another ET. MONEHZ FTW.

Went to Vic, to pick up my prize from that Amoria chick, paced around Hensyes, and then went on Host Kouya. Check the screenies.

1. Broaness!
2. Evil Tale I found.
3. Evil Tale I found a long time ago. ^w^
4. Beautiful picture of my OC, Yua. ^ ^ Completley unrelated to Maple, cause I lost interest in drawing my character after the 3536th doodle.


14 thoughts on “Yey. ^^”

  1. Nice drawing. O.o;;
    The eyes are scary though Do
    Anyways, love the flower, detailed. ^^

    Which server do you play in again? Windia?

  2. AWESOME. BTW, NoSecks is my best friends account . He also went on mine and did the same thing (OmgshBandit). Also He did it on his cleric (MadTV)

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