Walking in a Plush Room

Lately I have become really incredibly bored with KaitouLunar. Ironic, since Im only 2 levels away from 3rd Advancement.




(And on an unrelated note, MMOTale’s Bcode is weird.)

I can see it in the horizon! And it is walking away, much to my discontent.
I get really bored when I even look at Kaitou, so now Im spending more time on HostKouya.

School’s bad, very bad. It’s interfering with my Internet acess alot. Not to mention Im on Weekly Report, and forced to attend Counseling with a little “That girl’s insane” mixed into it.

And all because someone blabbed about how I “supported” that guy at Virginia Tech.

Which I dont. >_

And on the top of all that, I dont even feel like going on Maple. There’s no point anymore.

Oh, and my bro reached lv100. Yay for him! The last screenie was of him Afk. I dressed him up.
He was not pleased.


2 thoughts on “Walking in a Plush Room”

  1. Your GMs are funny.

    And freaking out a counsellor could be potential entertainment, y’know.

    Good lucky for third job, even if you decide not to get it.

  2. The thing I’d do with the counselor is engage him in a debate. While he’s trying to “straighten you out,” you just start debating and attacking his points of view in any way possible. That’d be so much entertainment for me.

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