Well on Sunday I’m just doing the regular stuff (PQing, making deals) and it was just plain sad.
First, I was just dropping stuff and tempting ppl at the PQ place in Kerning. After awhile, I got brave and began to drop more expensive stuff (gold ores, equips etc.) Anyways, I drop this silver snowboard and I suddenly lag then this noob picked it up.
I was like “GIV IT BACK, NOOB”
He was like “I’ll sell it to u”
He then defamed me and log out. The bad thing is that his name is complicated( you know those really annoying nmaes?), so I couldn’t remember his name.
After geting pissed by that, I decided to try my luck at PQ. I got a party and I found a track, then one of my members left and started selling the track. I got mad at him, and defamed him. He called some of his friends and guild members, and massed defamed me.
I got so pissed, so I log out.
After awhile, I decided to play again. I got this good party and was clicking my fingers out on the PQ when suddenly a dude called “chiefban” summoned a werewolf and killed me like 4 times(I was trying to fight it after I died the first time). I kept on missing and finally a hermit came and killed it in about 5 shots.
I decided to quit PQing so I went to Sleepywood(used a scroll) and started hunting horny mushrooms. Then, there was this lvl 4x I/L Wiz ksing me. I cced but he followed me. So we started having a ks war. The good thing was that my internet was faster than his but then after about 20 minutes, I horny mushroom dropped a mithril pole arm. We all ran for it but he got it.
I logged out.
6 thoughts on “Super Bad Day”
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aww thats a tough day

every bad today will only bring a good tomorrow u just hav to wiat till the sun rises again
lol thats my fav saying
Wow thats sure a tough day indeed, But i give u this advice,
NEVER EVER DROP SOMETHING U NEED. Cos its normally the dropper’s fault to drop stuff- allowing all nearby ppl to take it,
even if ur like metres away, a hacker could vac ur item to him -_-
I was never actually aware that Werewolves are summon-able.
Me too, I think it might have been tobos or trojans, 8)
Yea, people can get verry irritating in the game. Thatrs also one of the resons why i dont paly allot anymore. The noob (mass)defames, kswars, people following you, herassing people, hackers. Not forgetting to mention the people that are just plain insult and irritate you while you did nothing wrong and stayd polite.
werewolfs r summon-able, i got a screenshot that i 4got to put up
ill put it up if u want