my teacher is getting maple(really weird). he heard me and my friends talking about it so he said that at the end of the term he’s gonna get it and see what its like, lol has ur teacher got maple? its also good coz we might get it at skool!
9 thoughts on “my teacher gettin maple”
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I am the teacher at my school. I graduated three years early as the top valedictorian in the 2007 graduating class. (I was supposed to graduate in 2010.)
@Cheeze: o_O
@blog: I AM a teacher. XD
Cheese is a teacher?!
*goes into shock*
lol are you lying? i cant wait till i can go on maplestory
i keep forgetting that ppl in sydney r 10 hours ahead of gmt
I’m going crazy!@#$!@$!@% I am so fricking bored!$!@$@$ ahahhaha##HAH joshscooer didin’t i see yuou at profi3l ro smoething?! u had a naruto picture ofrs omehting ahHAHAHAH nonon it was teenage mutant nina turltles mlol my facorite is daonnatella of that’s one ahAHAHa X DXXDXD lozlozoorzorzo~
Ehhhh, I can’t read what you’ve written Cheeze.
Oh yea, and well, having a teacher playing Maple is cool. I got one teacher playing it too!
‘Cept he hardly comes on. T_T. I wanna ks him =D.

its kind of creepy, a teacher playing maple
no offense