
. . . The title has absolutely nothing to do with the blog . . . I just wanted to make it the title. <.< Mwahahaha that was my Laugh of Trickery and Doom!

Anyway, I finally lvled up ElectricSix to 46. It took several pqs until the wee hour of the morning, but it’s finally done. Now to get him up another lvl. T.T During 2x exp yesterday I lvled up PrinceOfDogs, lvl 20 now w00t! And after that I worked on Seress, didn’t lvl him during 2x exp, but I did manage to lvl him after it.

I’m continuing to think about Anvel, but I’m focusing more on PrinceOfDogs, since if I can get him up high enough, quickly enough, it will make things easier. I’m thinking once I start PQing with Seress, he’ll shoot up as well, which will be good. I’m still not sure if I should make him a Cleric or a Fire Mage, at first I thought I’d make him a Fire Mage, but then I thought twice about it, while Clerics are boring, they make a lot of money, and having that being the first account to reach 30, it’s probably going to be a while before the others get as high, which means if I have a good amount of money for them, it’ll be a lot easier for them to do so. I have a bandit in progress, and a Lukless Mage in progress on there so I’m wondering which of the mages I should make a Cleric, and which I should make a fire mage. Any opinions on what I should do would be appreciated, I may not follow your advice, but it’s always good to hear another person’s point of view. In case anyone was wondering, the Cleric will be one with Maxed HA. (I’m going to try the Bless Build with another (Probalby High Luck) Cleric at a later date and see what difference there is so no flaming my choice please.)

And to end this blog properly; I wish you all a Babawabba Boongalanga Bibibity Bobity Brevel Day.<.< Mwahahahah that was my Laugh of B and Doom!

10 thoughts on “Fitzblah.”

  1. i think the luckless mage should become the Fire Mage, since u want his damage to be as high as possible =X.

  2. Actually, you should make the lukless mage into an Ice/Lightening seeing that their attacks at their 3rd job are outstandingly powerful. but that is coming from someone who thinks too much about everything when he’s making a character, Lol

  3. Hahaha well I already have an ice/light mage, still no cleric or fire mage yet, though I suppose I could do another one. 😛

  4. Lol, yeah. I usually see high level i/l wizards doing 5-6k damage with thier ice beam attack, Lukless puts you at like, 8-10k <_< It’s awesome.

  5. Well I’ll think about it, I won’t be lvling my Lukless mage for a while so I won’t have to worry about deciding just yet, I’ll focus on Seress until he gets some money put away so I can start the search for all the stuff my Lukless mage will need. (Plus, if I focus on one character per server, I tend to lvl them up faster that way, though I have made an exception with Broa and have been focusing on Lithadur and Thievyry almost as much, if not more, than ElectricSix.)

  6. Well if you hold off on your Broa characters, I will help you out with them all when I get back in the begining of July X_x; I am going to need aid with my Ice/Lightening mage and my cleric as well lol. My brother is playing on my Cleric and I told him to stop when he hit 55, So that’s all he’s doing for me. I might have him take it to level 69 so that I can get to 70 on my own and get the priest, o_O; Who knows, But I do know that ALL my friends who want Holy Symbol once I have my priest made, will get it ^_^

  7. Hahahah well I’ll keep on working on them, but I doubt I’ll get too high with all of them. Probably mid 40s to low 50s seems a likely guess, but I suppose it’s hard to say for sure since I really just work on whoever I feel like working on, get them to x% or lvl, and then go to a different one. Also, your brother is playing your cleric? Ahhhh, so I found him rather than you on your mage. <.< That might explain him not responding when I went and found him and said I found him first. Bet it freaked him out a bit . . .that or maybe he just ignored me and chalked it up to you having weird friends. XD

  8. Lol, maybe. Did you like his kitty look? o_o I love it ^_^ It makes him look Kawaii -^^-

  9. Hahahah I only saw him briefly while he was training at Zombie Lupins in the tree, and just said “Mwahahahah I found you first. XD” and left after a few moments, it’s in one of my blogs, but I”m too lazy to go find which one it was in. XD

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