haha wan to hear sometin funny?

well it started in a normal day of course, then sundenlly, my fren send me a message “i need help!” my fren took me to the dungeon and i can’t get out! good ting was i was nli in pig beach i walked to henny ten took the path to the dungeon. wen i reached there i found out she just logged off. ten i was like wad the NOOOOO WASTED so spent jokin in the dungoen i said: ” the hero will rescue the princess!!!” everybody was laughing. i briten up their days. so i was quite happy. the next day i logged on, my fren brought a scrool to elinia ten i told her wad the i came throgh the dungoen almos got killed by the golem ten wen i get then i found out u logged off. then U BROGHT A SCROOL AND NEVER EVEN TOLD ME. then she was so sad lor she keep on sayin sry ten i say nvm. the whole she keep on sayin the sam tin. so i logged off.
end of wierd exp
this is all true lor

6 thoughts on “haha wan to hear sometin funny?”

  1. Lol. I’d like to leave another sujestions. Try editing it. I know sometimes people think it’s cool to write in slang but it’s tiring for the eyes to read. Really interesting to read though ^^ Lol, what level are u?

  2. lol weird day for you but kinda hard to read. I know people type kinda faster tehn they can edit but wow you really fast ^_^

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