~Tribute to my Friends~

W00t this is not about any MMO but yeah, I gotta pay tribute to my friends because they’re tha best in the whole world And you dont have to read this because it’s probably a waste of your time XD but o well. I’m maxing out my 3 blog a day limit and I dont feel like comintuing my stories at the moment so I’m writing this 😛


Also known as l.t. in my stories. yes i really like this girl b/c she is really cute (lol) and of course had a big impact onmy life. She always keeps her cool and is hecka funny. She doesnt ever break a promise, and we have never had a disagreemeant as far as I could remember <3.


Abi’s older brother. I thank God that he didnt slit my throat when he found out I liked his sister -_-. He always knows what to say when you’re down and he’s really funny and athletic. I trust him 100% with all my secrets and he hasnt blurted anything out. He’s hecka cool and you cant help but smile when he smiles and laugh when he laughs . He’s like a hero of mine as well as a best friend.


You all know this crazy guy in my stories. He’s hecka funny and I havent seen him in some years, but we keep in touch. He listens to my problems and I think he’s tired of sympathizing (spelling o.O?). lol. But anyways he’s really nice and a bit dramatic. hehe.


Weee this is my role-playing mommy @.@;; She plays the guitar and drums and is really funny. She’s smart and listens to my problems. She’s always nice andhas a big smile on her face.


o0o man this guy likes teasing me because I like Abi (yeah it’s all outta fun) and he’s good at winning arguments o_o. He’s had a bg impact on my lifeand of course, we share common problems. I really like dis guy ^^


THe animefreak in my life XD [besides Sam]. Always nice and funny. Simple as that.


Haha. She is hilarious but shows great leadership qualities. She can lead a crowd (yeah trust me XD). hehe And well she considers me one of her friends ^^


Yay! Jon’s turn to shine. He’s hecka funny and nice. He’s smart and usually attracts da ladies o.0;;–he aint a playa lolz. He’s pretty athletic and a bit forgetful. He’s always sarcastic and usually stupid on purpose. He’s is a real close friend 😀


Always helps me. When I injured my leg on a snowtrip, he was the one who helped me walk back to our lodging. He’s a total gift from God because he’s really nice too. He isnt the popular type, but he’s very nice once you get to know him.


He isnt one of my frieds OR heroes *cough* erm– just kidding. We pretend we’re not friends (just for fun) and he’s a very good leader. He plans everything on time and does a good job on it. He’s always nice and always knows how to stop people from doing stupid things and keeps them safe.


Another char from my story based on the real Alex. He’s always goin’ wit tha crowd and does what they do. He has a strange mind @.@;; but is a nice guy once you know him. He’s always fighting for his friends and never gives up.


Yup! these are my best friends ^^ and I love em and would take a bullet for them (yes Sam, even you XD) ♥

27 thoughts on “~Tribute to my Friends~”

  1. Awww that’s nice ^__^ L.T.s going to find out sooner or later, or maybe she already knows and just messing with you! >.<

  2. Hah, puppy love. Funny funny. Good luck with your girl, and remember: don’t let her know you play Maple! It’s such a dorky game and girls don’t seem to get it. Trust me, they don’t. I only know 1 girl who plays it. o.O

  3. Hey, cool! I’m Jupiterian -_-. Am I like the only one here who’s Jupiterian? T.T

    And I thought you just made the names up out of nowhere. They’re your friends. (So are they angry or glad that their names are on your stories?)

  4. unknownguy said: “Hey, cool! I’m Jupiterian -_-. Am I like the only one here who’s Jupiterian? T.T

    And I thought you just made the names up out of nowhere. They’re your friends. (So are they angry or glad that their names are on your stories?)”

    they dont even know -_-; lolz

  5. so uh u gonna keep writing? lol ur making me nervous srry but yea i love ur stories so sad

  6. Klaw64 said: “Hah, puppy love. Funny funny. Good luck with your girl, and remember: don’t let her know you play Maple! It’s such a dorky game and girls don’t seem to get it. Trust me, they don’t. I only know 1 girl who plays it. o.O”

    >.> 1 girl?!?! me and like 6 friends play *their all girls* and i no like only 3 boys play it >.> then again bleh,

  7. Meh T_T I’m the only girl I know in real Life who plays Maple Story =_= Ugh.

    Then again, when you log onto MS, it’s crawling with girls XD And especially MMOTales, considering that fanfiction. . . er, well I think it’s a bit more girly. 😛
    Then again, you know what they say about G.I.R.L’s! Guys in Real Life!
    D: Watch out for your girlfriend!
    (Just joking about that XD ^^^)

  8. Klaw64 said: “Hah, puppy love. Funny funny. Good luck with your girl, and remember: don’t let her know you play Maple! It’s such a dorky game and girls don’t seem to get it. Trust me, they don’t. I only know 1 girl who plays it. o.O”

    lolz she tha one who told me to play it cuz i told her i was bored during tha summer XD. she said it has no point to it so it’ll keep me busy rofl


    yeah im azn. =) and i better not see and racism ovr here or i’l find you and kill you x] hehehe

  9. It’s nice to see some Chinese people here:D I’m Asian, too.
    ~Azn Pride~

  10. JesusFreak


    yeah im azn. =) and i better not see and racism ovr here or i’l find you and kill you x said: ” hehehe”

    Nope I am against racism and besides I’m an azn =).

  11. and i never seen a viet guy right so good stories, usually they play games liek counter strike or ragnorok

  12. chinese pride btw jesus do u live in u.s.a
    In the future, the world will be raided by hippies.
    The world will fall to me.

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