Well sup, Sam is getting the feeling that he’s a nobody on MMO Tales, and he’s a friend of mine since I was born (literally), so yeah this is a tribute to my friend Sam. *applause* *confetti*. anywhoo. i wont be writing much anymore, because I am moving houses and what not. I will be dropping in now and then, but not as often as before. woo hoo go Sam.i got a petal staff thing (woot for that too). I feel like kicking some butts right now because of the way some people have been treating “the girl” since they knew i liked her. >>;; *kicks some butts* now i must kill some people *attempts to kill some people* nah that didnt work out. hmm her birthday is like 2 months x_X;; still thinking if i should get her something. . . it’s really early for that but um yeahhhh….. still think i should get her something. . .card atleaest x_X;; anywhoo THANK SAM AND YOU ARENT A NOBODY!!! o0o some peopel say “learn to type better or use your grammar correctly so people might pay attention to this” and what not. quit this crap because this is the way he types -_-. I’ll personally take 24hrs out of my day to scream at any of you people who mess wit him. oh yeah, i have a new signature now!
~Peach Wit it, Rock Wit it!!!~
*dont ask, inside joke*
sup jesus, when are u gonna write chp 7 of the abigail thingy?
Wow, haven’t seen you in a while.
ooohhh, killstealer is sam, now i get it =O, i told him spoilers to my story ._.
get a necklace
go to macys and go get one for her ^^ lol
and does that mean your gonna stop writing T_T i really enjoyed your stories XD reminds me anime for some reason >.>;; but its still your stories are awsome =D