I see blogs and forum posts saying advertising their stories. And now people are complaining that my stories (as well as Mip and Aaru’s) are gettin’ more views. I started out as a begginer writer as well. Look at my MMO Id badge. I have nearly 30k views. And then look @ sushiXchris’s ID Badge. That’s a lot of views isnt it? Well it took me that long to get where I am. You people give up to easily! I write for my own pleasure, not for “Omigosh please write more1111!!!1111!!1 i luv yur stories!!!”. Those are bonuses. I’ve always wanted to write a story, but never was motivated enough. Now I hit that mark that I actually want to write.
~Write about things that can keep you motivated!
I write Romance/Action stories because I really like someone and it’s more of a fantasy that I wish would happen. And I really like stories with action, etc. This keeps my mind full of ideas.
~Dont beg people to read your stories
People find this extremely annoying. Just hope that a reader some how stumbles upon your story and like it. Once again, WRITE FOR YOUR OWN ENJOYMENT. Have you ever notice in MS that when some idiot begs like this “Please give me mesos!! I VERY POOR!! PLEASE GIVE!!!”, no one gives them the Mesos. People hate beggars. It is very irritating and useless.
~Be descriptive
People dont want to hear a story that’s like “I healed my friends right before a Werewolf killed them.”, say “I quickly whispered an incantation that caused green light to surround my friends and I, healing them right before a Werewolf devoured them.” Also, describe the place and atmosphere as well as the weather.
~Allow people to flame you
Let people flame you! It just might help you be a better writer. People have told me to stop be so brief and be more descriptive. I did it and became a bit more popular.
~When ending a part/chapter, leave people in suspense.
This makes the readers want to read more.
~Be dramatic!
People want ACTION! Dont just give a sentence like “We went to hunt Slimes.” Put in “We went to slay Slimes that lived in trees in the outskirts of Ellinia!” Use exclamation points too.
~Have Fun!
If you arent having fun, then you lose the will to write. Simple
Final Words
I hope this helped you and you people who are angry that some writers take the spotlight and you feel like peopel dont give you a chance. But, it just might be your fault (ex. You might beg too much)
I really do like these tips. They’re a good basic set to get writers going, and they can be built on really easily. Nice job on giving an explaination on each tip – those help show why the tip is important.
Kudos to you. =)
Yea I kinda followed this before I wrote my 6th Part of The Beginning, JF RULES
i agree with lazykrnboi XD and i think i should be more descriptive, ty JF!
Sounds like something I might find in a guide for writing, and since the ones I find are published, they therefore must be good enough for publishing, and, if you followed me, that signifies that this is very well-written indeed.
Great tips, makes me motivated to make my stories more detailed.
good. atleast im motivating SOME people
DX nuuuu! I was too slow!
JesusFreak beat me to submitting a writing guide
Dang (note to self. . . TYPE FASTER! XD)
Anyways, sweet guide :3 I’ll have to make a giant note about these myself, such as the begging XD (oops)
Well, thanks!
Beatnik Love.
Are you my English teacher? O_o
no, i am not your english teacher o_o
You’re right. You’re one of the only authors on MMO Tales that writes fiction stories and has still not quit righting them without actually having an ending.
Nice post. I agree. If I ever write a story here on MMO, it would be for myself >_>
And flames are fun. I love them.
This is a great guide for new writers, (such as myself? LOl) but didn’t Mipsacri write about this a month or two ago with almost the exact same comments? >_>