hey everyone ><;; well yeah Im a bit ticked off right now. I just found out the cousin i hate most, is lvl 50 (9 lvls higher than me) and richer. He is my younger cousin by a year and is annoying as Hell. I dread our family gatherings, and now he has his “oh so special NX” that he’s rubbing in my face >=(. While I got only about 500 NX left and he has like 30,000 NX. I dont have my own credit card so I cannot buy my own NX. I woulda beat the crap outta him already but his parents are always around, and when they arent he starts cussin’ off at me. And he packs a hell of a good kick because he’s on a soccer team. we started out as friends when we were little but after a few years, he grew into the ‘generation of today’ cussing people off, pissing me off, acting like a stuck up jerk and such. He always calls me a noob, and I’m like “Atleast I got a social life -_-.” when he’s probably lying that he has a gf while I’m stuck (his words) “drooling over some girl who is f**kin’ ugly”. I thank God our family gatherings are only on bdays and xmas and thanksgiving. The closest to nice he’s ever acted was letting me borrowing his Mystic Shield for 5 minutes and I got pissed that is was only 5 min and I dropped it and he totally freaked out and my parents got all pissed that I “frightened my little cousin”. My friends tell me to shake him off, but it’s hard to still love the person I knew, and hate the person I now know. =/ anyways yeah I’m still kinda pissed and depressed. I’m really busy too with work. Anyways, yeah. I tried to make it closer to maple so it could be considered MMO. . . but kinda got off track =/
>.< A bad cousin. Sorry that your pissed.
This doesn’t really have anything to do with MMO hehe, but that’s okay I guess. Ehh and don’t worry about NX, it sucks. Trust me, I used to have it, and I regret that very day.
NX Cash, pure waste. 3 months of special pixels, real money? Notnx. NX =/= something to brag about, it’s just really nerd-ish to pay for something that’s free to ‘make your online character look special” — I mean, what the hell? Just think about it. It’s nerdish.
And like. <_<; Kill your cousin and dump his body in a lake. Roffl. And wait. You’re getting beaten by someone that’s a year younger? o_o
No not gettin beat up -_-. I beat the heck outta him if i wanted to. I just hate it when he gets a chance to kick me cuz it hurts lol XD. He cant even kick me that often because I just wait for his parents to walk by lol ^ yes it his nerdish but it is obnoxious when he makes a big deal outta it x_X;;. He’s all like “haha u idiot your char looks so gawd damn ugly!”
i agree with Rokuji, if NX lasted more than three months, i would get it, but alas, like jf, no credit card of my own, and my parents arent guna waste money on a game they hate me playing -_-
Too bad bout your cuz, my brother is way better at maple than me, and hes 2 years younger, i feel like a noob sometimes -_- He has a lv 5X sin, and i have a messes up lv 36 f/p mage, and a level 23 mage.
gujju ♥
Wow Chris. I really feel sorry for you and the fact that you have such a cousin.
Anyway, just tell your parents how he is. Do it the same way you write your stories so they believe you and won’t get pissed at you if you beat him up.
I’m glad my cousins are not like that O.o. . . well, there was one, but he lives in portugal, and now he’s reformed
sorry u got a bad cousin
yeah tahts too bad, but about nx, when it first came out, didnt it last for like 6 months or like 5 months or osmething? i tried out nx shop in like janurary, and go ahead call me a nerd if u want, but w/e and it lasted until like june
my cousins dont play Maple, but i got my 1 year old younger cousin to play. then when she was lvl 25 she got hacked, and then i got hacked at lvl 33. then she told our cousin who is like 19 years old to play. right now i am lvl 29 sin, the younger cousin is lvl 24 archer and the older cousin is 27 mage. i really hate the younger one because she cusses because i dont train her. o.O
Very confusing!
your cousin is like my sister,
My cousin is like that. Sort of. Not as intense. He’s 2 years older than me, though. Reading your blog got ME pissed off at your cousin, haha. Some people are just jerks. I can hit my cousin since he’s a boy and he’s 16, but if you hit your cousin you’d probably get in trouble. The best you can do is take the torture until you CAN beat him up. Oops I mean, take it until maybe your parents believe you when you say your cousin is pure evil.
wow, your cousin is GAY(no offense to your family)
beg ur parents for nx
Same thing for me, except now my cousins are scared of me, (beat them up once, and their 5 years younger than me -_-, and NO I’m not some 13 year old beating the crap out of 8 year olds).
Aww, well try to have a sibling cry over maplestory and begging you to play as your pride and joy -_- my lil brother does that all the darn time. *sigh*
and more of the workers I work with play maple story as well X_x so it’s battle of “who get the maple story computer”
I win today!
my little cousins buy plastic weapons and sacks me with them o.O IT HURTS!