Me: Chris. . . is that you?
Chris [stumbling]: Yeah. . .
Me [few tears coming out]: When you were better, how come you didnt come back to me?
Chris: I’m really, really sorry. It’s like this, well. . . I swore to myself that I wouldnt ever go back to you, until I knew I could protect you. I felt bad. I saw Will go into your house, and you forgot to close a window. I heard the conversation. I knew some people were going to ask you out, but then. . . I knew I wasnt strong enough to stand my ground and protect you. So I went back to teh Dark Lord and did some training. Now I’m, you know. . . like this.
I really had an itch to hug Chris, or something.
Chris: I’m really sorry. But I’m back now.
Me: You still love me don’t you?
Chris: Of course.
I now jumped off the bed and have Chris my postponed hug. Chris embraced me for a long time. Those seconds felt like hours.
Me: I missed you. . .
Chris: Me two, but just to let you know—it was me following you all that time, and I was the one who killed those people. Yeah, killed.
Me [smiling]: Heh, you haven’t changed a bit. You still stand up for your girl, right?
Chris gave a small laugh.
Chris: Heck yeah. If you don’t mind. . . Do you still got my stars?
Me: Of course, I wouldn’t just throw ‘em out.
I teleported upstairs and grab the small sacks from my desk. I went downstairs and gave the sacks to Chris. Just after Chris thanked me, someone knocked on the door. Chris opened it. I walked over.
Me: Hey Sam! Look who’s here.
Sam [choking in disbelief]: Oh God Almighty! It’s Chris!
Chris [grinning]: Sup.
Sam: I came to invite you to Chris’s funeral—
Chris: The Hell with the funeral! I’m alive.
Sam: But whoah. Look-at-you! You like. . . pwnage material! Mr. Hermit.
Chris [laughing]: Yeah, you could say that.
Just then, my house’s front door fell to the floor. I looked away from Sam and Chris. I looked towards the door. It was Will. Chris Flash Jumped forward. I think the training quickened his reflexes. He pushed Will to a nearby wall.
Chris : What the heck are you doing here?!
Sam [shouting]: Way to go Chris! Whoo!
Me [whispering]: Not the time Sam. . . not the time.
We both ran over to see what was going on.
Me: Chris, is something wrong?
Chris [still angry]: Gee, you think?
Will : Get off me you idiot!
Chris [yet, still angrily]: DON’T YOU CALL ME AN IDIOT!! GET AWAY FROM LIL TURTLE!!!
Sam: Will, what the heck did you do to the door -_-?
Will: Get off me!
Will struggled to be released, but nothing seemed to work.
Will [grinning]: Way to treat family.
Will [hatred and anger]: You HAD to be alive didn’t you?! You couldn’t just go to Hell? My Guild Master is dead, and he was the closest thing I ever had to a friend!
Chris [grinning]: Friend? Don’t gimme that crap. That Spearman was an idiot.
Will [anger and stumbling]: Fine! It’s because I wanted her (-glares at Lil Turtle-).
Sam [joking]: Hard to say you’re not wanted, eh Lil Turtle?
Me: Awww shut up -_-.
Chris threw Will to the floor.
Chris: You were always the messed up one. Get out of here before I kill you.
Will [smiling]: You can’t handle me. If I can’t have her, you won’t either.
Will pulled out a Dragon Tail and Hasted himself. He charged at me.
Chris [barking]: Lil Turtle, get out of here! I told you I wasn’t coming back till I could protect you, and that’s what I’m doing. RUN!!
Chris Flash Jumped over in front of me. Chris summoned a Shadow and launched 4 stars (2 Lucky 7s). Will laughed and used Savage Blow and knocked the Stars away.
Chris: Lil Turtle, RUN!!!
I was just standing there watching the fight. Sam grabbed me by the hand and pulled me away from the battle. I heard clashes and grunts and heavy breathing. Streams of tears came out of my eyes. We ran for a long time. Sam pulled me into a tree and through a gate. Just when I found Chris, I lost him again.
To be Continued
Sorry for the previous one being so short -_-. Mind you, this one is kinda short too.
*claps* woo woo
Yaaaaaay good job x3
Keep up the good work AND RELEASE THE NEW ONE SOON
I look forward to it xP
nice, cant wait for the next story
*CLAPS LODULY* ENCORE!1 good job you made me mind think whats going to happen! (in a good way ^^;;)
Wow, that was awesome, so Will is a Chief Bandit-sin? Anyways it was great!
Yay ur story owns! Wonder why you said “those eyes never opened again” in the previous part
all a part of writing devilrymage o_O =]
does chris supposedly die again?
hope he does, and this time comes back as 4th job advancement =)
JF why does everyone atttack chris o.O
yay i still cant believe jf finally noticed my story XD
oh god dude i’m hooked, i like check four times a day ^^;
This is a really good story, keep up the good work =)
wows :O awesomeee
*claps* your story is the best! ^.^