Well, y’all. I’m back! Quang13, at your word I will take off the Kirbys . Thank you all for the comments. I’m glad that some of the greatest writers on MMO Tales have approved of my stories. I have now listed one of my characters on Maple Story. I’m on GMS, Bera. You can add me when you want, but I might have to question you asking who on earth you are o_O;. I’ve waited a while to write this one because I was busy lvling up the character that I have just listed (lvled up 6 times in 3 days
) I’ll now stop leaving you in suspense and let you read Part 4!
The silver breeze was carrying a little bit of snow here and there. I heard some snickering in the shadows.
Voice In Shadow: Heh, heh, heh.
The person stepped out from the shadows and soon revealed, not one, not a few, but a whole bunch of people. I was surrounded. It was the Spearman– that was kissing Lil Turtle, and I assumed, his guild. To my relief, I saw some of MY guild members venturing in El Nath. They quickly walked over to see what the commotion was about.
Cleric from my guild: Hey, Chris. What’s the news here o_O;?
I quickly explained. What the Spearman said next, shocked me. The next thing that happend, however, was the worst thing that could’ve happend that night.
Spearman: Cleric, get him.
I started laughing, because out of all his guild members, he didnt have a Cleric, at all! But to my dismay, I was terribly wrong. My cleric friend grabbed my arm and twisted it around my back.
Me: Dude. . . what are you doing?! You’re on my side aint you?
Cleric [evil smile]: Heh. His guild pays better. He has even given me a new staff.
He then used his new staff to smack me across the face. My other guild members revealed themselves as a part of the Spearman’s guild. They started laughing evilly and spitting on me, for now, I was immobilized. They had tied me up.
Me: Spearman, you son of a–
At that moment, the Spearman punched me in the stomache. I winced, I didnt want him to know that hurt.
Spearman: Learn to control your tongue, and only speak when spoken to.
Just then, I heard footsteps. Every-so-often, I heard a little “woosh”, and saw a flash of blue light. In a few moments I realized it was Lil Turtle.
Me: Lil Turtle. What the heck?!?! Did you sent these people after me?!?!?! If I weren’t tried together I’d kill you all.
Lil Turtle: Chris, I wouldn’t want to send these people after you! I heard me apologize ate the Café didn’t you? But, you [pointing at the Spearman]. . . what are you doing to him?!
Spearman: Baby, I saw you crying and I saw the note. I knew it was him. He was walking towards the path, and near the Inn. Even you said that someone made you cry. I decided to get him back for you. . .
Lil Turtle [full of anger]: Don’t you call me ‘baby’. I’m not your girlfriend! You were just flattering me all that time, just so you could make out with me!!! I told you I was already seeing someone else!
Lil Turtle then walked over to me and pulled a Mokbi from my pocket. She cut me loose. I rubbed my wrist.
Me: Heh, sorry. Thanks. I–
Before I could finish, Lil Turtle planted a good, long kiss on my lips. Just then, I noticed the Spearman whispering to my former guild mates, and his original guild mates.
Spearman: Heh, I see what’s goin’ on. As long as this guy is alive, your heart belongs to him. (Now, more like talking to himself) But once he is dead. . . she’s mine.
He gave a quick command for a Bandit to grab Lil Turtle. The Bandit Hasted himself and stunned Lil Turtle with his Korean Fan. He quickly grabbed her and died her to a pole. He didn’t tie her tightly (so that it would hurt her), but tight enough to keep her stuck there.
Spearman: Well, Assassin, I see that this lovely lady is yours as long as you’re alive. I bet she’s just waiting for you to die or go away, just so that she can be with me. . .
Lil Turtle: That’s not tr—
But at that moment, they covered her mouth with a handkerchief.
Spearman: This is simple. I call my guild mates away, and you and I fight to the death. Whada ya say?
Me [calmly]: You got it.
No sooner than those words left my moth, did I see Lil Turtle stare in horror, as tears filled her eyes.
The guild mates quickly went away. The only left was Lil Turtle, Me, and the Spearman.
Spearman: We’ll start in 3. . . 2. . . 1!
To Be Continued. . .
(>^^3)> A Kissy-Kirby Production(>^^3)>
©Copyrighted (not really but I like the symbol, and it makes me sound professional :P)
Awsome, this story is getting awsome. Keep up the good work >_>.
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. i love this story. DAMM. make a maplestory romance book and sell it for millions. what do you think about that? xD
REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD. omg. it is so good that i’m gonna barf. SERIOUSLY. best one EVER written. IMMA GO READ YOUR OTEHR ONES
I got owned,
Nah, I got bad spelling and grammer.
Triple post, luv!
Well MMOtales didn’t let me edit. Say something i’m done for the day.
i like your story more than i love iixpenguinn (she’s my BEST FRIEND =) rl)
well keep up the good work! (i write too :])
i like your story more than i love iixpenguinn (she’s my BEST FRIEND =) rl)
well keep up the good work! (i write too :])”
lol, my stories aint that good
. but thanks for the comment ^^;
weeeeeeeeeeeeee all i can say is weeeeee and continue of course
cool. that spear man is goin down. the little idiot.
killstealer, my thoughts, exactly
w00t the spearman’s gonna get pwnd by the sin =D
Wow awesome story
I loved it! I didn’t read the previous ones yet, but this one is really good ^^b
omg how do u write like that im always in suspence and i always want more 11/10 woot exellent brilliant how can i describe it
u rock
Freaking write a book while ur at it, i don’t understnad, this is a freaking blog site!
Nice stuff u have there dude! ^^ Your story’s growing great! Ok ill add u in maple, when its weekends
very nice i have been reading them all i want to know what happens next so get done with the next one. xD
errr jesusfreak what world u play in?
*Die critism DIE!*
WEll i’m Xiaolshi, Ish meh!
@ GanondorF363
Then log off, we had enough ofyour critism!
And storys are allowed, if you don’t think so. Write a complain to the captain!
ur kiddin` right? im almost at part 8 O__O. -shrugs-
100000000000000000000000000000000000000/1 awsome
that is such a good blog but u should seriously think about making a book (onlky if u keep dis going) :p
Well this kinda sux to me cause ia spearman but hey
Are you a sin? AWESOME. I just read this part i havn’t read ur stories before but i really do like it. I can’t waste my time. i just HAVE TO first add u to my friend’s list. click on the enjoy reading it thingy and 3rd read heaps more of your bogs. bb and CARRY ON WRITING
woah these threads are getting popular, isnt it? o.O
awesome story. keep it coming! XD
(>-‘.’)> Kirby?
you mean part nine is already out = )
anyways jesusfreak, just had to come back and read part 4. it’s waayyy too good
DAH! Why does everyone stop at the good part ;_;
Love this story the bestt
Well nice story dude
but dont think spearman r like that though ( at least not all)
I’m not saying u r offending spearmans but IF u r. So im just saying this IF IF IF u r offending spearmansso dont get mad at me or anything
No wonder you’ve been on the top for so long. Your blog is glitched, since I got 10 likes and I didn’t make the front page.
wow, it is so nice that i could read your story over and over again keep it up you can be a good maple story teller