My Side of a Maple Romance Story 3 (new)

Remember, it’s from L.T.’s point of view. Eh time for me to fess up on my confessions here. People think I’m a very good writer because My Side of a Maple Romance Story 1 was my frist blog and was very good. But ><” this is where is gets a bit stupid. I am actually sushiXchris with my first stupid stories. I had to change the subject, because it didnt match me. i couldnt go on with my bandit stories. SO SORRY ;_; but yeah, truth is, i started as a stupid writer. (sigh) yes, i AM sushiXchris. I just wanted to restart– because it was the wrtier’s block was killing me because I had more “important” things on my mind. So my romance stories are NOT my first blogs. Yeah I DID give klc130794 permission to all you people who doubt it. Here goes.

When I got home, it was night time. I went upstairs, showered and got into my Red Suana Pajamas. I went once again, to my room. I wasnt hungry. I ate breakfast, and ate a small lunch, yet I wasnt hungry. I stared at the Fairy Wand that Chris gave to me on that night when he found out I was with the Spearman. I didnt want to cry again, butI knew teh chance was slim. I didnt want another boy, but I was getting lonely. I knew I was getting a bit moody and stubborn, but I couldnt help it. Just then, I heard a knock from downstairs. I grabbed my Fairy Wand, put it in my pocket, and walked downstairs. I always brought my wand with me when opening the door at night. Even in a peaceful town like Henesys, you never knew what could happen. I openedteh door slightly to see who it was. It was Will.

Me: Oh hi! Please, come in.
Will: Thank you.
Will sat down on a couch. He really resembled Chris right now. The way his hair was, and the Meba, and the small sack of stars. I turned away and walked to the kitchen. I felt embarrassed that I was still in my pajamas when I opened the door.

Me: Would you like something to drink? Water? Tea? Juice?
Will: Haha, no thanks. I just wanted to talk to you. . .
Me: Sure.

I walked over to the couch and sat down.

Will: Well. . .
Me: Yes?
Will: I knew Chris.
Me: No surprise there, you’re in that Spearman’s guild?
Will: No, I mean I knew him, even before you did.
Me: What?! But I knew him since I was little.
Will: I knew him since he was born.
Me: Huh? I dont understand. Who are you?!
Will: (sigh) I’m his cousin. I am older than him by a year.
Me [blushing]: You look like him a lot.
Will [laughing]: Haha. Too many people thought I was his brother. Good times, good times. . .
Me: But now, Chris is dead. . .
Will: That’s what I came to talk to you about.
Me [feeling sad]: What? What is it?
Will: Well, Chris liked you before I even joined that Guild. He’s been wanting to ask you out for a LONG time. . .
Me [softly]: I didnt know that. . .
Will: Yeah, he’s told me a lot about you. He says you’re cute, funny, cool, heck– if I didnt know better, he’d think you’re perfect. But I know everyone has a downside
Me: Wow. . . And of course, I have many downsides~ No one is perfect.
Will: He might not be dead,
Me: What?! What are you talking about!
Will: Well, when the rescue crew came to you guys, they found his body. Right when we were about to bury him, he gave a small groan and whispered something. He whispered “Lil Turtle, where are you?”

I was speechless.
Will: But he might not be alive anymore. He’s in a hospital. He hasnt stirred awake since. . . since he said “Lil Turtle, where are you?” So I was thinking. . . since he’s probably dead. . . and most people think I’m just like Chris. . .

I knew what was coming next. I braced myself for the horrible sentence to come.

Will [continuing]: I was wondering if you’d like to be mine?
Me [in tears]: NO! He’s not dead! He’s alive! HE ISNT DEAD!!!
Will: Lil Turtle, in his condition, he was killed from many monsters, plus he was wounded by a Jr. Balrog. The chances of him still being alive is very slim. When he had the will to talk, even THAT was a miracle. But him alive again. . .
Me [still crying]: Until I’m sure, then I wont date anyone else! EVEN IF HE IS DEAD, I DONT WANT ANYONE ELSE! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. NOW!!!!
Will’s eyes looked sad, but he knew it was the time to leave. He got up willingly and walked outside.

Will: Think things over, it just might work out between us. . .

I quickly slammed the door and locked it. I still had a small hope that Chris was still alive, but the chances were too small. He was killed by Master Chronos, Jr Chronos, Ticks, Trojans, Robots. . . and he was in a bad condition to start with. . . but what IF he was still alive. I went upstairs, and cried myself to sleep.

To Be Continued. . .

Author’s note: Hope you guys like it.

15 thoughts on “My Side of a Maple Romance Story 3 (new)”

  1. you never know. i just might be dead (man that sounds strange o_O; “I just might be dead” -shrugs-) it’s suspense dude. dunno o_O;;

  2. cousin huh? weirder if will was like his son or something. then you can make a third season from wills point of view. o-O good job on the stories

  3. Nice, it’s starting to twist, but I thought Will would say “I’m gonna double up as Chris” or something along the lines of that O_o, yes I’m weird xP.


  5. woah that’s scary. about to bury a dead person that wasnt actually dead yet and the “dead person” whispers something D:

  6. im just glad that you didnt deep him automatically dead o and sorry for the spamming yesterday, can i be forgived =)

  7. eh, now ur stretching the page yoon XD. wat up sam (killsteala4) stop tellin’ everyone i like __. dah well bound to getout anyways. so um chyea, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee now the screen is stretching -__-

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