Read Part 1 and 2 before this one. You can rate and comment on each one. This one might be a bit long
I stared in horror as my new girlfriend was kissing the Spearman. He had a Blue Bamboo Hat on his head, a spear (duh) leaning next to him—on the wall, and wearing some kind of black robe. He had Brown hair, and a notch below “tanned” skin. His eyes were blue, but you could barely see his eyes through Lil Turtle’s face, which was so close to his that anyone that didn’t recognize Lil Turtle would think it was just one, big, giant, fat head. My hands folded into fists and sweat was dripping from my face. I had half a mind to get my Kumbis and beat the heck out of both of them. Yeah, you heard me. Both of them. Lil Turtle looked like she was enjoying it. I was still clutching the Fairy Wand that I was planning to give Lil Turtle. A blanket of gloom and sadness covered me as I thought of what might have happened, what happened, and what was happening.
I walked outside the Inn and just stared at the night sky. It was very nice, stars glistening and the Moon’s light reflecting off the icicles and frost. I put the Fairy Wand in my pocket. No words could describe how angry I was. I decided to fool around with Lil Turtle. I called a random boy off the streets.
Me: Hey kid! Wanna earn an easy 10k in solid Mesos?
Kid: Sure, Mister!
Me: Here’s what you gotta do. Do you see that lady in there in green? The one with the black hair? Kissing that Spearman guy?
Kid: You mean the really pretty girl, right there? And that cool looking guy?
Me [trying to keep my temper down]: Um, yeah… the ‘cool’ looking guy and the pretty lady there. Can you give this to the lady over there for me? And kid, don’t give it to the Spearman. This is our little secret ok ?
I quickly took out a pen and paper. I wrote a letter:
Wanna go out to dinner tonight? If you do, meet me outside the Inn at 8:30.
I sealed it in an envelope, and looked at a clock. It was 8:25 right now. I wouldn’t have to wait long. I have the kid a sack with 10k Mesos, as promised. I watch him dawdle into the Inn. I saw Lil Turtle skim the letter and got off the Spearman’s lap.
NOTICE: Waaaaaait!
Reporter: We interrupt this story with a note from the sad, depressed guy in the story.
Me: “SHE’S ON HIS LAP?!?!??!?!?!??!!??!?!?! WHAT THE HECK?!?!??!?!?! SHE WAS ON HIS LAP?!?!?!??!?!?!?! I outta–”
Reporter: Ahem! Thank you.
==Back to the Story==
Lil Turtle looked at a clock. She gave the Spearman one last final kiss, and walked away. I saw her approaching the Inn door. I saw her and as she opened the door, she greeted me with a kiss. She had changed her clothes from a Green Jester and mage clothes to a Blue Jester and some black Female mage clothes. I had a feeling that she was trying to dress the same as the Spearman, or something. I just stared at her with a smiling face.
Me [in thought]: What the heck, girl. Don’t kiss me after you kissed that idiot on the lips. UGH!! I touched his spit o_O;!
The thought still stuck in my head that she looked just like the Spearman. Lil Turtle smiled sweetly and innocently back at me.
Lil Turtle: What you want to eat?
Me: Um… Wanna stop somewhere to get a drink first? I think we gotta talk, even thought we’ve been together for what, a few hours?
Lil Turtle [with and amazed face, and slightly shaking with guilt]: Sure. I don’t see why we need to talk, but okay.
We entered a different Café. The lights were a bit dim, and the tables and chairs were set up, almost like in a Casino. No gamblers however. We sat down. I ordered some Hot Cocoa and Lil Turtle ordered a soda.
Me [wondering how to start]: How long did you rest?
Lil Turtle [still twitching in guilt]: Um, I stayed in bed for about 2 hours. . .
Me [in thought, continuing her speech]: . . . and went kissing that fool for another few hours.
Lil Turtle: So what have YOU been doing?
I wanted to tell her I went shopping for a gift for her, but it wouldn’t sound right, when I knew she was kissing that Spearman fool.
Me: I’ve been. . . shopping.
Lil Turtle [staring]: For what?
Me [getting tense]: Never mind. Let’s just cut to the chase why I asked you to come here.
Lil Turtle [acting clueless]: What? I thought you were taking you new girlfriend out to dinner?
Me [flaring up]: You know what I mean! You were kissing that idiot in the Inn lobby that whole time, weren’t you?!
Me [roaring]: I was watching you too, kissing for that long while. And YEAH! I went shopping, for something for you, too! Then, I find out that you don’t even like me!!!
Lil Turtle: Chris I—
Me [interrupting]: Don’t you tell me no junk! I saw you, with that smug look on your face, and how happy and comfortable you looked when you were in his arms!!!
By now, she was close to tears. No matter how angry I was, I couldn’t bear seeing her crying. I was cut short of my rage and took the Fairy Wand from my pocket. I threw it on the table angrily, right next to Lil Turtle’s soda. I left the table, and pulling out my chair. I didn’t even bother pushing it in. By now, everyone in the Café was looking at me with shocked eyes.
Me [angrily and pissed off]: YEAH? WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE LOOKIN’ AT?!
Everyone remained silent. But, as I was exiting the Café, I heard someone.
Lil Turtle [in whisper]: Chris, I’m sorry.
I threw a Wolbi star, skimming her head, and cutting into the wall, right next to her head. The Wolbi stuck in the wall, and after I gazed at Lil Turtle for a while, I could tell that she was sorry and scared. I said a soft good bye and stormed off in the darkness. I didn’t even bother looking back. I was no more than 20 feet away from the Café when I took an paper, and wrote a letter:
Dear Lil Turtle,
I’ll be at the Inn lobby if you need anything.
I got some string and attached it to a Kumbi star and threw it through the door of the Café. A small “thunk!” told me that it landed on a table and was stuck in the wood. I walked on the path toward the Inn, but never made it there. There were shadows trailing on behind me. I pulled out a sack of Kumbis. I heard the clock on the tower, ring, signifying that it was midnight. Shadows surrounded me. I saw a few spears and daggers glistening in the moonlight. This was a midnight raid. I was in for a fight.
To be continued. . .
(>^^3)> A Kissy-Kirby Production(>^^3)>
©Copyrighted (not really but I like the symbol, and it makes me sound professional :P)
It’s getting really intense,
wooh i love your writing you should keep on i wan to see what happens in this raid. oh btw i been reading since my side of a maple romance 1 and i liked your work so please keep it up
hurry up and write another one lol XD
It’s so sad and intense!
ooo nice. this is awesome. i got soo tense. 10 outta 10. cant wait for part 4!
Kuuuu :O!
Its so cool! keep writing! (LilTurtle is so unloyal. TT_TT)
Nice writing! Do part 4 soon!
Yeah keep it up, been reading since the first one XDD if you can remember anyways,
Nice, its pretty good so far. (Unlike mine, where my main character is being constantly beaten to death O-o)
I’m loving the story so far. It’s awesome. Keep it up ^^ I’m looking forward to read more of your work.
Rawr~ I still can’t compare mine to yours!
Grrr, You copied the production logo like in Pika’s Story

Let my Shadow Hunt u down! >
wow nice story, maybe the shadow is that spearman that was kissing lilturtle and a bandit friend?
you just might be right, but you just might be wrong
Hey very nice dude i think this one has to be best of them so far keep it up.
keep writing yur one of the best
and to think this was a small hobby