Yup, This is the next one. I hope you guys like it as much as from Chris’s point of view. Here it is, still from Lil Turtle’s point of view.
I sat down, breathing heavily. I sat down on the grass, and when a Mushroom approached me, I launched a Holy Arrow. Just then, that guild member (that reminded me of Chris) stepped out from a bush.
Me: Aaaah!
Member: No! Ssssshhhh. . . it’s ok. I’m not here to hurt you. I just threw those Icys at you because the other Guild members were watching. I never had any intentions to hurt you.
Me [stumbling]: W-w-what do you want with m-m-me?
Member [smiling]: Nothing, I just wanted to catch your name, and maybe where you live?
Me: Um, my friends call my Lil Turtle, and I’m not telling you where I live!
Member: My name is Will. Dont worry. If I was going to kill you, believe me, you’d already be dead.
Me: Um. . .
Just then, I saw Sam walking out of the Iron Pig Gate.
Sam [noticing Will]: You. . . Stay away from her, Lil Turtle– go away, run.
Me: Huh?
Sam: He’s a part of that Spearman’s guild! RUN! They were trying to kill me, the other 29 of them too!
Will: He’s lieing! I didnt try to kill anyone!
Just then, Sam let out a lightening spear and it missed Will by mere inches. I shot a soft Holy Arrow and stunned Will. I teleported and grabbed him by the arms, and put them behind his back. Sam teleported over, and took his arms from me and slammed Will on a tree trunk.
Sam [angrily]: WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!
Will: I just followed Lil Turtle.
Me: Sam, it’s ok. It’s two on one. If he does anything, then we can take him.
Sam threw Will to the floor. Will landed on the floor with a “THUMP!” and got up with an “Oof!”
Will: If you ever wanna visit me, I live with Maya.
He ran off. Sam and I sat on the grass.
Me: Sam. . . he reminds me so much of Chris. . .
Sam: Hah, you’re kiddin’ right?
Me: No. Look, he throws stars, he dresses like Chris did, and he didnt hurt me.
Sam: Lot’s of people dont hurt you, (sigh). I kind of get your point.
Me: You dont think I love Will do you?
Sam: You’ve been like sneakin’ in booze. No one can like him
I walked back to my house, to wonder, if I would ever find a boy to replace Chris. I hoped I wouldnt, but what if I did?
To be Continued. . .
Pretty good. Not exactly my type of style, but interesting?
Me, me oh pick me!
JesusFreak, your story are excellent and breath-taking, but you are rushing it. Good stories like to make a while before releasing it to keep the readers in awe by the older ones.
i say hes wrong make as much as you can as fast as you can. if you take too long breaks between stories readers will get bored
actually, i should take a break. people are reading too many of my stories and arent giving other stories a chance
yeah i think you should take your time so you can improve it (not that im saying its bad). Besides, if you take your time, you can write longer stories. But anyways, good job!
Yep, definitely room for improvement. Funny, I got a buddy named Will too. . .
T.T makes me tear up T.T make some more
pplz are getting pick, which can only mean one thing—- your too good XD
i like it, fact i like all ur stories. good jov
lol. i dink i gotta stop soon. im takin all teh spotlight (except from aaru). there are so many good stories ive read that i havent seen no more than 5 coments on.
haha ‘will’ thats my name, wut a funny guy THATS ME what?! *enjoys story*
Awww Jesus Freak Dont stop >.<!
lol sin 89. i am not stopping, but PAUSING, yes. i want people to read other people stories too
Well most of the other stories are written from the minds of bored 11 year olds that ran out of ridilin.
write more please! and im still reading other stories like 5 others so ya, its not distractin me from readin em =3 and wif other great stories like mips and some others no1 will only read yours =P