Read part 1 before you read this part. Feel free to comment and rate Part 1 as well as Part 2
I started to feel numb again. My stupified face burned because of the frost piling on my eyes, and I always stopped occasionaly to brush it off. My stars were few, andI decided to head back to El Nath. I Hasted myself (is Hasted a word o_O;) and walked quickly ran back to El Nath. I drank some Red Bean Porridge on the way back, to keep myself alive, or warm anyways. I walked into the snowy city of El Nath, with Lil Turtle still in my mind. I recharged my stars and bought some more porridge, food, and potions. I gave a long talk to the salesman to buy my Little Yeti skins. In the end, he paid me a good deal for my stacks of skins. Now, it was only about lunch time, so I went to a Cafe and bot a bite to eat. The cafe was a small place, with only about 10, or 15 tables. Each table had some chairs. On one side of the Cafe were the restrooms and the other was the kitchen. A young man came to my table and took my order.
Me: I’ll take some Pizza, Watermelon, and to drink, I’ll have soem Pure Water.
The waiterleft with my order. As I was waiting for my food and beverage, someone entered the Cafe. It was Lil Turtle. I had a blank look on my face, and suddenly a lump came up in my throat. I was half hoping that Lil Turtle wouldnt notice me. I knew the chances were slim, because I was the only costumer in the Cafe at the moment.
“Man, I had to go to lunch right now, huh?” I thought to myself.
Lil Turtle seated herself down on a table right next to mine. The way the chairs and tables were set, Lil Turtle and I had to look each other in the eye. I tried to clear the lump in my throat and would try to invite her over to my table to eat.
“Want to join me for lunch Til Lurtle? Er– Lil Turtle?” I said quietly. I felt myself reddening on my cheeks.
She quickly accepted the invitation without saying a word, but nodding shyly. I tried to start conversation.
Me: Soooo, what was that about outside?
Lil Turtle [blushing]: Well, um . . . what?
Me [stumbling with words]: Y-y-you know, the kiss on my cheek.
Lil Turtle [tryign to change the subject]: Er. . . hey look! I think your food is here.
Me: C’mon, my food has to cool a bit so it dont burn me– even if this place is El Nath.
Lil Turtle [softly and shyly]: I like you, Chris. . . Maybe even love.
Me [laughing]: o_O; . . . . Well then, wanna be my girlfriend, then?
Lil Turtle gave a shy giggle and said “Ok.” I could tell she was very happy and was trying not to sound to eager. I nodded. I figured my food would be cooled by now. I offered her a slice of pizza, and we both ate our lunch happily, and talking. I ordered her another Pure Water. We finished our lunch. I paid the bill of 5,000 mesos. We both left the Cafe together, happily. The wind made her long, black hair whip me in the face, as we opened the door of the Cafe. She told me that she stayed out late last night, and that she wanted to go back to the Inn to rest. She stared at me through he nice, brown eyes for a moment, and gave me a hug. She teleported toward the Inn afterwards. “Heck!” I thought to myself. “What a good day! I got a girlfriend, I made some money by hunting Little Yetis, and I think to top my day off, I will go by my new girlfriend a gift.” I walked through the stores and wonder what the heck I got myself into. “. . . I will go by my new girlfriend a gift.” I thoght stupidly. “What the heck do girls lik anyways -__-;;”. In the end, I bought her a Fairy Wand. It was now about Sunset, but I still wasnt hungry for dinner. I decided to head toward teh Inn that Lil Turtle was staying at.
Me [in thought]: Maybe I’ll give her the gift and take her out for dinner. Yeah. . . that’s what I’ll do. . . Then I’ll head to bed and retire for the night.
And I walked into the Inn very happily, and full of myself. It was until, I saw Lil Turtle in a corner, kissing a muscular Spearman. . . not a friendly kiss on the cheek, but repeated kisses on the lips.
To Be Continued. . .
(>^^3)> A Kissy-Kirby Production(>^^3)>
©Copyrighted (not really but I like the symbol, and it makes me sound professional :P)
O___o;; wow nice story sad ending,
Keep writing, this is awesome.
Lol. I’m not a fan of stories like this 0_o But I saw your char at Ant Tunnel and wanted to rad your blog. Weir o_0
um . . . i didnt even list my ign
how do u know it was me o_o? not saying it was. . . o_O
awww>_< thaats so sad TT_TT
wonderful story! keep it up
omg that is cool nice plot. ooo she is cheating on him, BAD GIRL!
hey nice story, please please continue writing, and if you can try making it into a book ? =D
killstealer, u kno me. im remaining anonymous to everone else
i do? really? i dont. pm me
Hey! the kirby production is copyrighted!
Zcool Swinger! xD
wow, thats awsome! ^^
it’s really good. now i got 2 awesomely equal authors! jesusfreak and Aaru’s = D i love it alot. Please do carry on = D
LOL, from this post, I bet you’re a male. You’re also embarrased that you’re reading this and you just have to make an excuse, rofl.
I not sure wether you will read my post but way to go