Well, as many have noticed, my romance story isnt very romance-ey anymore. Just ignor the title for now xD. Btw I’m trying to end these stories soon. Well, okay. . . I rush these way too much. I might start another story after this tho =| (yes this is going to be a shocker but o well xD)
Sam shot a lightening spear at me. I pulled Jon and Alex away. I used Haste and commanded them to use Darksight. Sam teleported and launched an Energy Bolt at me.
Me [in thought]: What the heck? Energy bolt?
Suddenly I saw two flashes of blue light. Another mage was here, teleporting. Away from the battle I assumed. Dust flew everywhere. Just then, I Flash Jumped over to Sam. I pinned him down.
Sam [whisper]: Get off me. He’s gone.
I stared with a stupified look on my face and my face dripped with sweat.
Me: What o_O;?
Sam pushed me off him.
Sam [laughing]: Heh, i always was a good actor.
Me [still stupified]: What. . . ?
Sam gave me a small smack on the back.
Sam: I was faking. That messenger was still there. . .
Me [staring]: Oh. . .
Sam [grinning]: Stupid.
I called over to Jon and Alex. They ran right over. I gave Sam a small smack.
Me: You SURE you’re not gonna kill me?
Sam [laughing]: Stop doubting before I seriously consider it.
Me [laughing along]: Haha, ok. . . But I think I gotta get Lil Turtle back. I kinda. . .
Sam [continuing]: . . . made her cry?
Jon [answering]: Yeah.
I Flash Jumped back to the diner. I called to the waitress who helped us while we were eating before.
Me: Excuse me, have you seen a two ladies? One was a Fire Wizard and the other one was a Cleric. . . One of them was cryin’ earlier.
The waitress pointed in a direction. Lil Turtle was still crying in the back. Stephanie was trying to stop her from crying, whispering insults at me here and there. I stood back for a while to listen to the conversation.
Lil Turlte [in between tears]: You think he’s going away just to break up with me?
Stephanie: Stupid idiot. Probably. You deserve better than him. . .
Lil Turlte [angrily]: You’re right, I dont need him. . . I dont. . . I REALLY dont. . .
I felt a stroke of pain. It wasnt physical pain, but I felt bad that I made my girlfriend depressed. I was supposed to gaurd her, not hurt her. I slowly walked over to the table. The diner seemed to be full of people. It reminded me of the night that I was in El Nath with her, in the diner. All eyes were probably going to be on me when I arrived at the table.
Me[softly]: Hey. . .
Lil Turtle [angrily]: What do you want.
Me: There’s something I need to tell you. . .
Lil Turtle [angrily]: You dont need to tell me ANYTHING! You want to get away from me? Then go!
Me: No, it’s not that. . .
Stephanie [impatiently]: Hurry up, you’re taking up her precious time. You’re not even worth her time after what you did to her anyways!
I sat down next to Lil Turtle. Tears stopped, but I could tell that she was still hurt. Just then, I saw Sam next to me. I looked him in the eye as if asking him to help me. Sam got the message and dropped down the wrinkled paper in front of Lil Turtle. Lil Turtle stared at it for a while. She then took her arms away from her face and picked up the paper. She skimmed the letter and looked shocked, and scared. She put it down, with fear in her eyes. Stephanie glanced at the paper as soon as it was put down. She looked a bit worried, but not scared. Jon and Alex was waiting outside the diner. They were watching. It was dark already, not much time until Sam was supposedly going to bring the three of us, Rogues, for an ambush. I stared at Lil Turtle. She looked different. She twitched uncomfortably in her clothes. She took off her circlet and rubbed her hair for a while.
Lil Turtle [whispering]: Sorry for exploding at first. . . I didnt know that. . . I was scared that. . . I didnt want to. . .
Me: It’s okay. . .
I put my arms around her for a while as she was trying to gather her words.
Sam: I dont want to sound unsensitive or ruin this crappy romantic scene, but we dont have much time till we get killed -_-“.
Stephanie: That’s true. What are we going to do, Sam?
Jon and Alex walked in.
Jon: Um. . . what’d we miss?
Jon (who has already read the letter) stared at the paper. He had a tense look on his face, and gripped his dagger with sweaty palms. Alex’s hands were shaking. I could tell they were both nervous. What were we going to do? I coiuldnt desert my friends in a time like this. We would keep each other safe, and try to make peace between or classes. . . or we would all die trying. We stared at a clock nearby. It read 9 o’clock P.M. Not much time. I Hasted myself and the rest of us. We stepped out of the diner. To my surprise, I saw a bunch of Rogues standing about 50ft from diner. When they saw me with my arms around Lil Turtle, and leading Thief stared with anger. Jon and Alex was walked right behind Stephanie
Thief Leader [angrily]: Traitors! You all. . . GET THEM!!!
I grabbed my stars with a sweaty palm and summoned a Shadow. Sam took out his Kage. Lil Turtle casted some Green Light aroudn all of us. She grabbed her Cromi from a pocket. Stephanie took out an Arc Staff, and the other two Rogues grabbed their claw and dagger. We had to slay all of them– or else the Mages would come soon. If they did, what was going to happen next?
I threw a Lucky 7 with my Shadow, as well as Alex, Sam did some Ice Strikes. Stephanie and Lil Turtle teamed up. Jon stayed back and waited and stood in a position for a Savage Blow. As 5 Thieves rushed at Jon, Stephanie and Lil Turtle shot arrows at them. These knocked two of them down– 3 more out to get Jon: a young Rogue boy with a Garnier, a teenage Assassin, and a Bandit girl. Jon launched many Savage Blows at the Assassin and Bandit girl. There was a lot of bloodshed, and they fell down– dead. Jon was about to use a Savage Blow attack on the young boy– but didnt have the heart. He didnt want to kill the young one. This was a mistake. The young boy lauunched two Steely knives at Jon. I Flash Jumped over and tried to block these Knives. Jon wasnt moving. He was a softy, and couldnt believe the young boy was a killer. He spared the boy’s life, which was the worst mistake you could make during battle. I rushed over and was slowed down by a mob of Assassins and Bandits. I injured all of them– but didnt have the time go kill them. I heard a scream. Jon’s scream! The injured Rogues lay there for a while. The mob cleared. I saw Jon laying on the floor with blood dripping out of his mouth and parts of his body split clear through, and his dagger laying a few feet away. There were six knives sticking out of his body and a knife laying close to Jon’s dagger. The boy knocked Jon’s dagger away then launched three Lucky 7s. I rushed over and called to Lil Turtle in the process. Lil turtle thought he could handle himself. Jon looked MY age, but was actually 1 and a half years younger. He wasnt as strong yet. Tears came down my eyes as I had a flash back of how we met. Lil Turtle rushed over and starting healing him. He didnt stir. I wasnt sure if he was still alive, but to me– he was already dead. I swore to myself, if he was still alive, I would never put him in this kind of danger again.
I stared in anger at the mob of Rogues. They were my brothers and sisters by class, and I was supposed to protect them. But now, the table has been turned. The rules were changed. They murdered by younger friend. I shot Lucky7s at mobs of people. I fought with anger, with no thoughts of peace in my mind. They attacked my friend and they were going to pay for it. Fire was flaring in my eyes. A monster was roaring in my chest. Sweat dripped from my face and palms. I launched myself and made my killing a mechanical thing– not sparing the early teens, not sparing the little children, not sparing the weakened adults. Sam slayed a smaller section. I looked around for mroe to kill. I realized we slayed all the recruits. WE? I saw Sam looking at me with a strange look on my face. Stephanie looked tense. Alex looked shocked. What bothered me the most was my girlfriend’s look on her face. She stared, with a scared look on her face. I walked over to see what was wrong. She backed away from me. Jon was still laying down, but on a patch of grass. I walked closer, and she backed away again. I stared at my bloody hands and my Slain. I stared at my Ilbis. Lil Turtle was scared of me. . . I turned away and saw the murderer of Jon. He was sitting near a building crying and his face was all white. It lost all its color. The silver breeze swept around.
Rogue Boy [whispering]: You. . . you. . . k-k-killed. . . the whole army. . . . the anger in your eyes. . . . the flare. . .
The Rogue boy was breathing heavily. He was scared. I was feared. I was a killer. I turned back to Lil Turtle to say something. . . to soothe her. . .
Me [stumbling]: Lil Turtle. . .
Lil Turtle [scared]: I’ve never seen you like that. . . you wanted peace. . . b-but you slayed all your people instead. . . You’re not the nice person I knew. . . I’ve seen you protect me. . . that was just a few people. That was protecting your friend. . . but now you’re killing for revenge. . . . please. . . get away from me. . . please. . . .
She was begging me to go away. I was now scared of myself. Sam kept quiet, and so did Alex and Stephanie. I was shaking all over. My throat swelled up a bit. I knew I was going to cry, but I tried to hold them back. I eventually stopped. Living in the streets taught me one thing. . . it was to never cry or show your feelings. . . After a while, I think I softened up. I cried when Jon was attacked. . . I didnt want to cry again. From now on, my eyes dont cry no more. I ran towards Ant Tunnel. Even with all my efforts, my vision was blurred. My cheeks were sticky from my sweat and how I was crying. A few tears slid down. I kept running. . . and running. . . I finally stopped and sat down. A heard a clock chime from far away outside. I looked around and saw where I was. I was in the Cursed Sanctuary. It was midnight. . . I saw a person with a white hat and a silver beard. It was Grendel.
Grendel [with an evil smile]: Well, well, well. . . what do we have here?
To Be Continued. . .
Omg, that’s kind of sad/scary. LT doesn’t want to be near Chris, Chris doesn’t want to be near himself. . .wow. . .
I’m happy you took your time though. This turned out to be great, even though it IS sad. Sorry for double posting. . .
Just ’cause it’s not romantic doesn”t mean it’s a crappy story!
ZOMG CLIFFHANGER! Please don’t keep us in suspense too long. T_T
OOOOOO! :DD nice , id like to c ur new series itd must be good if ur writing it !
awwwwwww, thatz so sad ='( i love it. i think it was part of grendel’s plan and sam somehow made that happen with all the killing O.o
very nicely done JesusFreak, nice to see you back on MMOTales ^^
nice i thought sam was going to get chris but u turned around great story keep going
Grendal evil? creepy
Aww that was awesome, good job.
I feel like continueng my story now.
that was really good
cant wait till the next one
who knew grendel was evil o.O
Lol, dude, good job, this is a great entry. Keep up the good work.
Two words-
Amazing story.
I was almost crying
1 typo that made me laugh though
you called lil Turtle a he
1 typo that made me laugh though
you called lil Turtle a he”
haha. knowing me and my fingers i wouldnt be surprised if i called Sam a “she”
. glad you liked it ^^ and of course, typos are always funny!
Omg that was better than the others that were before! Any way I think Grendel will start fighting chris and then Chris will run away, though im not always right