Yeah, I stopped the story in the middle, for suspense here goes, (it’s probably not as good as you wanted it to be xD)<– screenies are irrelevant, just ss of me =]
. . . I pulled out a black sack. I untied the chord that was binding it together. All at once Jr Chronos started flying up towards the flaming parts. I released 2 more sacks, and most of the thign released were Jr Chronos. The Chronos jumped and blocked the shots.
Why is this risky you might ask? Well, if I released a Tick then it’d be too heavy and fall on my face, gimme a bloody nose, and THEN the ship pieces’ll kill me. However, Jr Chronos are ghosts, and will float up! (yeah kinda corny but I’m runnnig outta ideas TTwTT!)
The smoke was clearing. We were going to land in the water!
Lil Turtle [rouch voice]: Ugh. . .C-a-a-nt b(cough)breathe!
Me: Huh?!
I stared as Lil Turtle was gagging. The smoke from the explosions and the fire were choking her.
We landed in the water. Lil Turtle was drowning!
Me: Rest of you, swim to the island– Sam, not you -_-.
Sam: Yeah, yeah. . .
We both quickly dived under the water. I casted Haste. We both were swimming very quickly.
Sam [gurgled speech]: I’ll get L.T. and you just follow, in case any monsters or somethin’ shows up.
I nodded and follow him towards a sinking body. Sam grasped the body and we swam up. We swam back to the island.
Me [spitting out water]: Nice -_-. What now?
Sam: Umm. Eh =/
Me [in the “what the-” mood]: YOU DONT HAVE THE NEXT PART OF THE PLAN?!
Sam: Calm down. Do you still have a Power Elixir?
I pulled out a bottle. I handed it to Sam. I only had 1 left. He opened Lil Turtle’s mouth and poured the purple liquid into her mouth. Lil Turtle’s body started to shift.
Lil Turtle: Where am I. . .? What happend?
Me: It’s ok. . . You’re alive.
Sam [disbelief]: Did I just see tears falling from your eyes, Chris?!
Sam [laughing]: I think this is the scene when the sun sets are you’re supposed to give her a kiss!
Me [laughing]: You dont have to tell me twice!
I planted a quick kiss on Lil Turtle’s cheek.
Roxanne, Bowman, and Sam [together]: Awwww
Me [smiling]: “Awww” what? Shut up and let’s get some fire and lodging for tonight up! Not to mention dinner! And NO! They werent tears -_-.
Sam (famous line xD): Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!
We all set up some makeshift houses of tree trunks. We each had to share a “house” except for Sam. I shared with Lil Turtle, Roxanne shared with her brother, and Sam slept with– himself. We lined the floor with some balnkets from my bag. I seemed to have enough for us to line our “houses” and for us to sleep with. We ate a dinner of Lorang meat, and a dessert of fruit. We each went to our “house” and went to sleep. I thought I heard a shuffling outside, but shook it off as the waves. Little did I know that it was a shadow appearing– right outside of our camp. What awoke me was that I heard a high-pitched scream. . .
To Be Continued. . .
Author’s Note: Yeah, this isnt my best work– I need to think about it more -_-
First read and first comment Whoo~~
Love you!
haha. maybe =P
Dude its a balrog O.o
maaaaaaaaaaybe =]
Nice stuff u have there! xD
sweet dude just keep writing. xD
there was an island?
also can anyone tell me where i can buy blankets for my sin? they sound useful
good read i love this series
blankets are comfy
XD you can go buy blankets are the follow:
bed bath and beyond
-shrugs- anywhere else XD
I have a question, do you think as you write (I mean type), or do you have an entire plan for your stories?
Wait, I just read another one, aw ****! Oh well then.
Dude man I love you er i mean your stories O.o
@unknownguy- i write as i go
@shadowsong66- roflmbo XD. you’re hilarious. =]
Ty =3
I am alover not a fighter? =3
im an author and a human o.O lol