Hey all. I know you guys weren’t pleased with my previous story (10). Heck, neither was I. I got some requests wanting me to do “this” and “that”. I tried to mix em up to please everyone, but it ended up one big mess. I hope this one is better >w<
I awoke and grabbed my pouch of stars.
Voice: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp me!!!
Me: Ooof!!
I bumped into Sam. He was in his holding his Kage and rubbing his head. He was wearing his Pajamas.
Sam: Who the heck could be screaming for help? I don’t recognize that voice, but yet it sounds familiar. . .
Me: Yeah. . . Lemme get Lil Turtle. We might need some healing, whatever it happening.
I went back to our little hut and shook Lil Turtle gently. She was still asleep.
Me: Lil Turtle, get up. It’s a possible ambush.
Lil Turtle: ZzZzZzZz
Me: WAKE UP ALREADY (grabs her shoulders and shakes her)!!!
Lil Turtle: Eh?
Me: Aww c’mon!
I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the hut.
Sam: I woke up the other two. C’mon.
We all crept silently around. . .
Something was coming through the trees. The ground was shaking, the trees were blowing, the wind was picking up. Suddenly. . . a tall shadow came out of the trees. It resembled a Balrog. It had dark brown fur (no, I don’t mean black). It had black horns and wings. However, it never took flight. It was a Jr. Balrog! In its hands was the Spearman.
Sam: Should we rescue him?
Me: You guys, what do you think?
Bowman: I think I’ll watch.
Roxanne: Eh. . . I’ll stay with my brother.
Me: What about you Lil Turtle?
It was too late to ask. She was charging towards the Jr. Balrog. While running she summoned a little fairy, Magic Guard.
Me: Well, it’s settled. I’m goin’ in!
Sam: Me too.
I Hasted myself. I jumped and threw numerous Ilbis at the Rog. Just then, the Balrog slashed out its long arms. It missed Lil Turtle. She teleported behind it and shot a Magic Claw attack.
Me: Should we really save him?
I heard a small groan. The Spearman was unconscious. Just then I had a burst a of pain. The Rog got me. Just then, I heard Sam say something.
Sam [urgently]: Lemme end this fast.
I heard a sound like thunder and then I heard a mighty groan of pain. I heard someone sobbing, and heard someone whispering something.
Lil Turtle [sobbing]: No. . . no. . .
Sam: Move! Lemme get him to the lodging.
I felt arms carry me onto a bed, I assumed were a pile of blankets. My shirt was taken off, and the breeze stung my wounds.
Sam [quietly]: Chris, you’re going to be ok.
I winced. When I was hit my the Crimson, Sam killed it fast enough not to do effective damage, but now I wasn’t sure. I could here Lil Turtle crying somewhere and whispering to herself of how she could’ve healed me and that it was her fault. The bowman was trying to comfort her. I gave a deep sigh and passed out. I believed those words Sam said, and I was a fool to believe them. For now, my life was a thin string, and I think that that string was about to snap. I just remembered, I was carrying a bottle of Power Elixir when I was fighting the Jr. Rog. I carried it, just in case—but now, when I needed it, it was probably hiding in the sand, stolen by an animal, or carried off into the ocean by the waves.
To Be Continued. . .
Dun Dun Dun, Thats all I have to say XD
o.O This guy must have so many scars xD good story.
Dramatics to the x-treme. good story.
ooooo extreme life balance. CYROGENICS if thats how u spell it, XD
hey vietbuddy2 dont make fun of this guy. and no he isnt gonna die, hopefully,
Aaah Lil turtleee, she always needs to be rescued >:O and you’re always leaving us in suspense
Like always, Terrific job. Better than the last one, for sure xP Leave us in the suspense will ya =3
i could never write anything that good lol, only 1 person has liked my story so far O_o dam, he is good lol,
lil turtle i think she look cute=.=
How many stiches and skin gafts has he gotten by now?
I want more ;_______; as usual xDDDDDDD
y do u keep saving the stupid spearman
I kinda liek the suspencebut I MUST READ MORE! MORE! Good job though, u are so talented