Well, I came very late and spent about 20 min at the party chatting with people and seeing Mip’s mom scream at people. But um- it was fun. Ehh– clawmauler started a strip fest and came in as ClawMauler, then the Blueranger, and then um– a stripper o_0. Lolz. We gonna hold another one of these parties hopefully ^^;;.
1st Pic: mip’s mom
2nd Pic: clawmauler’s strip fest
3rd Pic: more strip fest o.0
4th Pic: Me with Claw after tha party
wish i couldve come, i was on at the time, but i was in orbis, and im not sure if you can access free marked from orbis
I guess I missed it
Hee ^-^ Sounds awesome.
I was there at the before-party and i held the after-party
I’m going to maul all the people that went. MS was being ghey on Bera and D/Ced me in Kerning. Damnit. o.o
Meh. I’m in broa >_<
Dam, I would’ve came if I would’ve known on one of my “noob” characters in Bera. D:
Sorry I missed it =(
Sorta odd; Mip’s mommy plays MS? Strange, I wouldn’t think people’s parents play this game. O.O