There was a small breeze blowing around. I gripped my little Wooden Wand in one hand, and a small lantern in the other. I was walking around the lush grass of Ellinia, at night. I was heading back home. It wasnt too late at night, but the sun set already. There wasnt much light in Ellinia after sunset. It was a bit farther until i was in the town. I suddenly heard a scream.
“Help me!” a voice whimpered.
I moved my lantern around hastily, and looking for a sign of the person. I saw a shadow and a mob of Slimes. I dashed over to the scene as the body of a person’s arms waving frantically.
“Please! HELP ME!!!” the person wailed.
I ran over. A girl was being attacked by a mob of Slimes. Her Fruit Knife lay a few feet away– out of reach. I shot Energy Bolts at the Slimes in hope of destorying them before it was too late. At last, the mob was gone, leaving giant puddles of muck all around. I sat down and leaned on a tree, as I took deep, painful breaths. All my energy was gone. I opened up my bag, and dug through the contents. I pulled out a Blue Potion and a Red Potion. I wrenched open the cork of the Red Potion and emptied the small, glass bottle. I did the same with the Blue Potion. I felt a flame burn inside me. My energy was renewed. I ran up to the body of the girl. She had scras everywhere. Her arm was bleeding, her face was terribly scratched. This girl had long, black hair. She was wearing an Indigo Skirt, Blue Rubber Boots, and a Yellow T-Shirt. She looked about the same age as me, if not a few months younger. It was pretty much pitch dark now. I gently picked up the girl on my back and grabbed her fruit knife and put it in my bag. I picked up my lantern, with some difficulty. I headed back to my house.
“Mom! Open up! Quick!” I screamed, as I approached the door.
“Didnt I give you a key when you left the house?” my Mom said impatiently.
“Mom!! My hands are full, and come quick!” I said, really ticked off.
My mother gave a huge sigh. I heard footsteps approaching the door. I heard the click of locks being unlatched and my Mom opening the squeeking door.
“Chris! What are you doing out so late! You scared your Father and I half to d–” My mom stopped in between her sentence. “Oh dear. . .”
She looked at the injured girl on my back. She quickly called my Dad over as he heaved the girl off my back. My Dad was a tough Fighter. He still had his weapons and shields up in the attic. Dad put her down on the bed in the guest bedroom. Mom quickly ran over to our medicine cabinet. SHe had great expertise in medicines and what-not because she was a Cleric. She was a very strange Cleric at that. She hasnt been in battle for so long, that it takes her a while to heal people. Instead she uses her potions. Mom pulled out some bandages and some ointments. She rubbed the ointment on the girl’s face, arms, legs, and on all her bruises and cuts. After a while, she wrapped bandages around the girl’s arms, legs, hands, and feet.
“Poor dear. . . No older than Chris she looks. . .” Mom mumbled. “Crazy. . . Her parents dont look after this poor child, letting her wander around like that!”
She held the girl’s hand as she whispered some incantations. A small glow of green light surrounded the both of them. Mom walked over to me.
“Chris, go wash up before dinner. I still have to cook.” Mom said.
“Yeah, okay Mom.” I said, slowly. “But how is she?”
“Poor young one. . .” Mom said sadly. “Badly injured. Good thing you brought her home when you did. Not sure how long she might’ve lasted, that young ‘un.”
I nodded. I put my Wooden Wand down on my desk and took a warm shower. The water stung my minor wounds. I dried myself and put on my Pajamas. I walked towards the kitchen, as the smell of meats, sauces, pasta, and veggies filled the air. My stomache gave a small growl.
“Man, aint I hungry. . . ” I mumbled to myself.
I walked past the guest bedroom, on my way to the kitchen. I heard a groan.
“Ermmmmm. . .Eughhhh. . .” the girl groaned.
Just then, Mom bumped me aside.
“Scoot along now.” She murmured.
The girl gave a groan again, and slowly opened her eyes and sat up.
“Good to see you’re alive!” Mom said sweetly.
“Where am I, and how’d I get here?” the girl said, confused.
“I brought you here. . .” I whispered shyly.
“Hush, hush! Let the girl eat!” Mom said, impatiently.
Mom handed the girl a tray. It had a bowl of soup, a plate of meat, veggies, and some pasta mixed with sauce. There was a bit of bread and butter on the side of the tray.
“Thank you.” the girl whispered.
“Eat up! You need to build back up your strength!” Mom said, lightly.
Mom went outside. I stayed behind.
“So, what’s your name?” I said, softly.
“Abigail.” She said. “But my friends call me Abi.”
“I see. . . ” I said. “The names Chris.”
I walked over to take the tray of food from Abigail. She finished it rather quickly. As I leaned over and picked up the tray, she gave me a small kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks a lot for helping me.” She whispered, shyly.
I turned a bit red and gave a nod. I put her dishes in the sink, ate my dinner, and headed back to the guest room. I saw that she was fast asleep. I smiled and quietly closed the door.
To Be Continued
Yay 1st! My 3rd post!Cool story jf!
lolx, I shoulda known you wrote it =), nice story =) know that you’ll write more, waiting for the next one =)
Lorie* <3
Um o_o. please dont ask why i started writing again. it seems it’s the only way i can calm down *besides sleeping and being a lazy bum XD*
Sweet Story, write more ^^
What a cute, young couple. xD
I shall be awaiting for the next! >D
Amazing strory keep going! =P
lol what happened to the other story. nice btw
nm about what i side, except for the nice story part, sorry about double post
Ahh, nice story, can’t wait for more
I c you’ve changed your writing style abit, o.o” improvement XD continue writing! lookig forward~
– VanillaPocki –
Is this the new story then? Anyway, I shoulda guessed you wrote this “blog” but good job anyway!
}{ TwistedFate
Nice story ><
Title wants you to click on the story
Waiting for more,
is this a new story? or is this how abi and chris first met? o_o wha im confused. . .
O_O who wears there pajamas in front of guest to go to dinner? exspeacially boys? i’d be like super embarass to wear my pajamas to dinner, exsepcially in front of a boy, but that could be because i’m a girl =P besides that it was a good story
this is my first time since i just got my account, so any tips for me? even maybe a cookie?
great story! Yea i would also be embarassed too hakuya.