-_-. hola amigos *yes im an azn XD*. well anywhoo i took a long break and im still depressed nd bored. just to let u know, I didnt get run over by a run-away ice cream truck ^_^ or slip on the ddr mat and broke my neck :D. I’ve been listening a lot of music on link since I am a Christian, the music is inspiring to me. and ive been @ work and am going to chill with friends for a week next week. whoo *slips on sunglasses*
time to play some volley ball and miss the girl i luv again X_X
Blech, must suck doesnt it
. I feel for you man
I hope you get a chance to relax with your friend. =D Then get run over by an ice cream truck >=D
Wait, you say something in Spanish, then say that you’re Asian, random eh? I’m a bit confused.
well, he was just saying a bit a spanish, lots of asians go to spanish class. Its like non-chinese people say “Nee How Ma” to pick up girls. .sometimes
yeah people who don’t know chinese trying to say chinese is weird =
i wanna learn spanish, but i’m in band =
when will you start writing again?
has anyone ever slipped on the ddr mat and broken their neck?
i wanna read chapter 11=
Even a clock that does not work is right twice a day.
oh yes.
klove <3
i wanna learn spanish, but i’m in band =
when will you start writing again?
has anyone ever slipped on the ddr mat and broken their neck?
i wanna read chapter 11=
Even a clock that does not work is right twice a day.”
Yea, JF is like that.
Acid, add me to that list of the DDR mat -.-
hey i’m a chinese =)
oh n if u are depressed alot u shuld see a councilor.
PS:dun go 2 the wrong guy in msea dats a guy wif the same name.
Omg jesus freak where the hell you go you never anser my messages are leaving like Indigo?
enjoy your break d^.^b
yeaaaah. azn fo christ. ,!,,!
yay your azn too!
azns pwn! feel better soon!
wellllllz >_>;; uuummmmm counselors are out, i just talk to killstealer4 (acidmagic, i dont think u think he’;s the best choice XD) or tim *abi’s bro* or my friend from HK.
yay its a good thing ur gonna take a nice longggg break to cool of your mine.

anywho, im gonna miss ya nooo summer vacation? is it?
well enjoy your holiday!
hey you have a crush don’t ya don’t ya
that or is your gf, but umm if she’s you gf, you would take her along rite?
have gone?