9k views! not much for the amount of blogs I have though.
Ch 6 – The Angel and Garbage
Where am I? What the heck happened and why is it pitch black? Am I dying or am I already dead? The only thing I can remember is when I saw that man dressed in black and then I dont really know what the heck happened.
Michael laid in a damp, cold, dark room. He had no feeling in his arms nor legs and couldnt move either. Michael then tried to lift his head up and tried to lift his body up, but he failed. Then he closed his eyes and started to relax.
This could lead me to the angel. Maybe this is the place, but they want me dead so I dont get in the way with anything and they can kill it somehow. Michael thought.
The water dripped from the ceiling onto Michaels nose as he concentrated on what he was going to do without his legs and arms. The door then opened and light filled the room and there stood a dark figure in the doorway. Michael slowly turned his head and looked up at it. The figure grabbed his right shoulder and ripped off the cape he was wearing.
Michael. . . said the person in a manly voice.
Michael quickly tried to get up, but he still couldnt move his legs or arms. His life was almost up each step the man took towards him. He quickly yanked his head in a different direction, but it barely did anything and Michael failed to get away from the man.
What do you want with me? Michael said with tears rolling down his face.
I was paid to kill you? The man replied.
He unsheathed his sword and entered the room and ran up to Michael. The man kicked him in the face and Michael smacked his head on the wall. Blood started to fall down his head. Michael couldnt do anything still except lay there and get beaten to death.
And I dont even get to say goodbye.
Why does life have to be like this? Everyone else gets lucky while everyone in my family dies because the government didnt like them. Darn it.
Mother, Father, and brother. . . I really dont hate you. I just dont know why I acted like that and now it ends like this.
Michael and his family were having fun killing a bunch of snails in Henseys. Then one day he just completely changed and started to avoid his family.
The wounds Michael had gotten earlier opened up again from the man kicking him while he was having a flashback. The man who was beating him up was the one he had seen by the shop and then he ended up here.
I. . . Hate. . . You. Michael said.
The warrior chuckled and got ready to swing his Blue Screamer. Then he quickly swung it and it hit Michael on the side of his stomach.
About an hour later the man was stuffing Michaels cold dead body in a dumpster by an ally, so no one could find it. It was almost impossible for him to get caught for the murder anyway because detectives or the police never really tried to solve these kind of things. They just sat around all day in their patrol car wearing a uniform that made them look big and bad which it really didnt. It had a maple leaf on the back of it and a mushroom in the front corner of there shirt that said Copyright Mushy Inc. 1999. Yeah, it made them look really tough.
The Angel
The angel was currently locked up in the cell while the government figured out a way to kill the angel, so far they have nothing and the angel was trying to find a way out of the building, so it could live. The both of them were clueless. Killing an angel was almost impossible and breaking out of a cell was tough, too.
The guard tossed the angel a slice of rotten bread to eat for the day. Each person in jail got three slices of rotten bread a day along with a few month old milk to drink. It was pretty gross. Once the angel received the bread through the cell bars it threw the piece of bread right at the guard which caused a scene, but they didnt do anything to the angel because they knew it would be pointless until they found a way to kill it.
The smell of trash surrounded Michaels dead cold body. The garbage truck came which put him mixed in with a bunch of other trash. Michaels body then moved. Was he alive or was he dead? It was hard to tell because it couldve just been the truck hitting a bump.
Ooohh. . . Michael moaned not knowing where he was yet.
The garbage truck stopped and dumped all the garbage into a filthy, smelly yard with other garbage. Michaels body fell on a huge pile of trash mixed with dirt and that was where his wound was. He wound opened up a little and started to bleed a bit. He wasnt dead yet.
Ahh. Michael moaned and then opened his eyes.
Michael checked his surrounding and couldnt tell where he was. He scratched his head and thought for a second, but then the pile of trash fell and collapsed on top of him, but Michael was okay.
Darn it. Where the heck am I?!?! Michael shouted and his voice echoed throughout some parts of the city.
So. . .
Ummm . . .
Yeah. . .
I. . .
Umm. . .
THERE WE GO! Ran outta ideas so. . . I decided to write about trash.
EWW that’s GOTTA suck, being passed out in a pile of trash!
Lol. . . working on chapter seven.
9k views! *Woot’s weakly, * YAY! ^_^
IS you happy? Hu? ^_^
EDIT – OOPS! I forgot to comment on the Blog! ^_^”
Nice, I enjoyed it, yep! ^_^ I’ll hit ze I likes it button! ^_^
Altough, the:
Stuff wouldn’t cut it in a real book. But, seeing as this is a Blog I enjoyed it, acualy! ^_^
No offence. . . ^_^”
– Little preacher man.
I know, but I’m not writing a real book yet.
You have no idea what’s going on do you?
[in the story]