/End fight scene
Ch 5 – Escaped
Brian then dropped his blade. When he squeezed the sharp part of his blade it had went into his skin and now it hurts.
Michael walked over and picked the Kunai up he had thrown earlier at Brians head. He looked at the condition it was in.
Ill fight you with just this. Michael said getting a good grip of the Kunai.
Brian stuck his blade into the ground and pulled himself back up off the ground where he was laying because Michael had kicked him.
Alright. Brian replied.
Brian! A bunch of voices shouted.
A group of men came down the stairs with the angel thrown over one of their shoulders.
Its time to go. They said.
Brian waved to Michael. Michael didnt want the fight to end he wanted to kill him first. He quickly took out two Ilbis and threw them at Brian. They once again ripped through the armor and went deep enough into his skin and were thrown so hard that they shattered his shoulder bone. Brian started screaming in agony as he fell to the ground and smacked his face on the floor.
Guards, as your Mission Leader I command you to go back to the town. Im going to fight this boy and kill him. Brian said.
The guards listened and quickly hustled back up the stairs. Michael went to go chase them but, Brian wouldnt let him because he knew what Michael was after. It was the angel.
I took Martial Arts for three years and Im pretty good. I dont need my arms to fight because I can just use my legs to win. Brian said.
How can you beat me when you barely wounded me with your hands and arms. Youre weaker than before because your arms are broken and you lost your Saber. I know you arent going to win. When I defeat you in this fight then Im going to this town and get the angel back. Michael replied.
The reason I was so weak was because I was just warming up on you. Ill beat you just let me take my armor off and then youre dead. Brian said with a grin on his face.
He took the top and bottom parts of his armor off and under it was a White-T and Blue Jean Shorts. The Ilbis fell out of his bloody, shattered shoulders and so did the one in his leg. Brian then slipped his heavy boots on and then pulled some sandals out of his bag. He slipped those on his feet and was ready to fight.
Alright now Ill win. Its just against the rules for a guard to take his or her armor off but, I dont follow the rules. he said.
Brian ran at Michael at a high speed the no other person could run at. Michael kept repeating to himself,
Look at his legs. Look at his legs. Look at his legs. Within two seconds Brian was in front of Michael kicking him in the face. Blood flew up into Michaels face into his eyes which caused him not to see well. Brian kicked him again but, this time in the stomach.
Yeah, you said I was going to win. I may not be winning yet but, I will be Brian said with an evil grin on his face.
Shut up! Michael screamed.
He quickly pulled out a few Kunai which Brian dodge but, he didnt have time to dodge the Ilbi Michael had thrown just a second after he had seen where Brian moved to. The Ilbi broke through his skin and crushed about two organs. Brian dropped to his knees and coughed up some blood. He tried to put his hands out in front of him but, he had a broken shoulder and he had a tough time doing it.
I win. Michael said happily.
Yeah, whatever. Ill get you back if youre not afraid to come to the village. Brian said and then passed out from the fight.
Michael walked up the stairs so he could go get some bandages which were by the refrigerator. He took the blade that he still had in his back and yanked it out. Michael opened the drawer that had the bandages in them and he decided to use some Neosporin not that it would help much but, it would do little. Michael took his shirt off and took the things into the bathroom. He turned his back to the mirror and looked at the wound he had. Michael took the cotton they stored behind the mirror which was like a door and it opened. He put some of the Neosporin on the cotton and rubbed it on his wound. It stung a lot but, it was bound to help. Then he took the bandages and wrapped it around his back and chest.
Ahh, its starting to feel much better now. Im going to go check on Brian to go throw him in the ocean or something. Then when Im fully healed Im going to go save that angel. Michael said to himself. He walked towards the basement stairs and started walking down them. When he had gotten down there Brian was gone.
What the!? Michael screamed.
Brian was gone. He was no longer in the basement where he once was. Michael looked down and saw tracks of blood going towards the stairs. He then heard the door open and quickly ran back upstairs. Brian had escaped from the basement.
Im going to go start training in three days. Michael shouted.
Michael picked up a book he found on the ground. The cover was filthy and had dirt all over it so Michael took his shirt and wiped it off. He put his shirt back on and decided to take a look at whats inside of it. It said,
How to use A sword
By: Robby J.
Illustrated by Jason M.
This guide will show you how to use a sword. It will make you an incredible fighter within at least a year. First you need to buy a weapon called a Thin Sword. Its the sword that any newbie would start out with. Once you get used to the one-handed sword you buy a two-handed sword. This guide will tell you everything you need to know and where to buy it.
Well, I need to know how to within a week. Oh well Ill figure it out. Michael said.
Chapter One
First you will start out with a newbie sword called the Thin Sword which I already had mentioned in the first paragraph. This sword you will find in these following towns:
Lith Harbor
Those towns are only on Victoria Island. Now lets get to the training.
Grab the sword with one hand and one hand only. If you ever want the ability to use a two-handed sword you are going to have to get used to the weight. If you want some protection but, it will slow you down then I suggest you buy a shield or just break a piece of a wooden fence. If you dont feel like breaking your fence then go to Lith Harbor and buy a shield for a cheap price, 2,000 mesos.
Do you want to test your strength? Then go fight some monsters but, since you are very highly skilled it doesnt mean you are that strong in fighting with a sword yet. If you a Hermit it wont make a difference. Heres what I suggest you fight:
Green Snails
Then move onto
Blue Snails
And onto
Red Snails.
Ask some fellow warriors and they might help you. They also were once a newbie so they possibly might know what it is like to be new to fighting with swords.
Chapter Two
Next Sword
Michael shut the book for now and then decided he should start using swords.
Heh, sword training. Heh, multiclassing.
I’ll stop forcing you to right chapters. For now *Shifty eyes*
Hey, this one’s kinda long. ;O
The plot is . . . . sorry, but stupid. Anyways, I liked the story.
Mary Sue throws stuff at people and they die?
It’s stupid, but you like it? -.-;
Wasn’t he using a Doombringer in the first chapter?