10,000 blog reads.
Read the tags first >_<.
here we go.
Ok well, I joined I match. I didn’t use the sledge much because I wasn’t the one with it. I joined a match late and I still kicked some butt.
I have some pics of Match 1, but no Match 2 because I lost that one.
They were all teaming on my and I was all killing em then I won.
YAH HERE THAT CHEEZY 3 PPL WERE TEAMING ON ME. Well, actually two, but the other one was all alone, too. [Chrissie]
Yah, I’m dead serious.
Cheezy after we finish beating the crap outta each other we have to go beat the crap outta other people
~The End
Hehe. Yah, we can totally team on noobs.
Cheezy you didn’t like my blog D:
Whaddya talking about?
Oh, nevermind
Ooo seems like another flash game with evil stickmen
haha so short though
Lol yup
I played Stick Arena a couple times. xP
I played against mastercheeze today
Good times, Mister Quack.
How can it be good times if it just happened today? o.o
What game is that ?
Stick arena. If you read the blog you would know.
Gunz is better than stick arena lol. PLAY GUNZ PPLS!
-=The Nazgul=-
Stick arena you don’t have to download. Stick arena is awesome.