
Hey guys, I’m back from a long time of quitting Maple, and MMO. I got bored from the other games I played (Gaia, AnimaRO, etc.) So I guess meeting old friends didn’t hurt. I got better vocabulary, (I think) and thinking of starting a new story. If you’re bored with my stories fine by me, but I just like writing them. So, yeah, I guess that’s it. Pretty short…

Over, and out.


13 thoughts on “Back!”

  1. elo :3
    i dun think i kno you, but it’s always nice meeting new people.
    HI! I”M VANILLAPOCKI! *shakes hand*
    welcome back

    – VanillaPocki –

  2. *stabs irlazybum* YOU HACK!
    Anyway, nice to meet you to japenese hero!
    If you play in BROA I would be happy to train/buddy you!)

  3. Zomgsh! AnimaRO! I played that server. That server has a ton of problems. Apparently, the GM’s hack and all that. The way everyone typed scared me into literacy. x_X

    Welcome back to the commutity. ;D

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