Odd… o.O

I was training in one of the horny/green shroom trees during this morning’s 2xp events and then i decided to finish up the fossil quest where you need 100 leaves, weighted earrings, 50 firewood, and a stump’s teardrop. so after a half0hour or so i got the remaining leaves i needed and finished the quest. i got to 70% with the EXP from the qust so i decided to train at pig beach for the remaining 30%. when i got to like, 90% a higher leveled sin came to me and asked if i would trade him my snowballs for his kumbi, so i of course said yes and we traded O,O. why would he want to trade his 21 atk Kumbis for my 17atk Snowballs? it’s confusing, but still, i now have a new first set of stars to use instead of my oranges.

I also leveled to 25, equipped my new stuff, and went back to showa town to recherge stars and start one of the quests.

also I forgot to take screenies >__<

5 thoughts on “Odd… o.O”

  1. snowballs are rarer than kumbis

    in global they are at least

    kumbis are like 100k here while snowballs are about 200k

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