You think hackers ruin the game!?!?

Yet another rant courtest of J. This time, it’s on the many assholes of Maplestory. So here we go!

The Assholes of Maplestory

By: J

Recently, many people have been saying that hackers are the ones who ruin the game. They are not the only ones. There are also ksing assholes.

Blunt KSers: These guys walk in, ks and if you got a problem, they bash you into oblivion and then possibly defame you, and then either leave, cc or continue ksing. I remember, a half an hour ago, someone named “NoOobs” changed onto my channel while I was attempting to kill the Chief Grey. He comes and says, to quote EXCACTLY: “WEAK ASS”. He kills it, says “DUDE” and cc’s. *f7*

Shy KSers: They’re not shy, but u got a problem, too bad. They will annoy you soo much by ignoring you, that sometimes you will be more fed up about the guy than the ksing.

Lying KSers: More frequent now. They KS and make up an excuse. I was at Barnard Greys, when someone ksed me. Said: You were having trouble! I saved your life! You should thank me. I WASNT DYING! So I say, why did you take my drops? She defames me and changes channels.

And of course the Hippocrits!
Hippocrits are ppl who say something, and go against what they say. In this case, its ppl who say: DONT KS! and then go and start ksing ppl.

I hope you have enjoyed this Rant!

– Another quality blog courtesy of J.

5 thoughts on “You think hackers ruin the game!?!?”

    my ranking used to be below 1000 but now with the hackers, I WANNA BE 999 AGAIN

  2. Wow ranking really matters huh? While KSers run around making sure you don’t level, LOWERING your rank more. -__-

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