Well its been a while since I wrote a fic. Tis my new story people. If you like it please tell me I will post other chapters =3 Enjoy.
Chapter 1 : Begin
Christina could you buy some white potions for me?
No. she said firmly. Just come with me. Her hand extended out to me. I took it and we left for whatever we needed to get.
Massive explosions were everywhere. Only a few lucky ones were left on the ship to Orbis.
We have to get inside the ship everyone!
****… Crimson Balrogs are here. So calm the Bandit arose from his corner in the dark. The leader of the former guild PuddingInc would once again defeat a threat. I was trying to nap… His cape covered his armor. He was an expert at what he did. Moving extremely fast he moved in on the balrogs. Killing them one by one as they shoot lightning and dark energy towards him. One by one they vanquished. He stood there without a way to save the people he looked around.
What are we going to do? a stranger asked him.
Are you all human?
Yes we are. the person replied. He was hoping they would say that they were maplers. In this world they were the source of power. He then noticed that the ship the balrogs came on was still there.
Lets go! On to the balrogs ship!
So when are we going back home to Ellinia?
Dont ask me. Youre the one that wanted to come to Ludibrium in the first place…
Its nice and all but the quest I was on was done a long time ago. On top of that I miss Victoria. I said.
Christina turned to me and stopped walking. Listen Noleahs.
Hmm? I turned to her attention.
Do you remember when Tiger and Sushi attacked Scania?
What are you talking about? I looked up. Was it a play or something?
No, never mind you couldnt remember… She looked upset.
Really what are you talking about?
Never mind … were here. We were in the shopping district known as free market. As we entered we noticed a lot of interesting things people were selling. Ninja stars, pets armors, weapons of all kind. Anything you needed you could surely find it here.
What were you buying Christina?
A Nocturnal Staff.
But shouldnt you use the evil wings your using right now?
Yeah but it looks cooler. I dont really care for power. We came up to a shop we were very familiar with. Hey Bakare.
Hey Bakare.
Hey you two. What can I help you for?
I need white potions.
I need a Nocturnal Staff. Have any?
No staffs but I have the potions. I got my potions and we left free market for the day. Yet there was still nothing to do.
They all made it safely to Orbis because of Donny. The Orbis ship sunkand was destroyed. But they have a lot of those anyway.
Thank you, sir.
I was really just trying to save myself… He walked away going to the next transport to Mun Lung and Herb Town. The town known well for its talking pandas and pirates.
The trip to Mun Lung only took about a min. It was always famous for its training school. Which is where Donny is headed. He arrived. And went straight to the training grounds.
So where to now? I said.
Want to go to El nath?
Woot! I leapt into the air with excitement. El Nath was my favorite place in Scania other then Ellinia. Because odd enough for a fire mage I loved snow. I quickly began teleporting towards the train station that would take us to Orbis and then to El Nath we would travel by foot.
Wait up Noleahs! Christina began to teleport behind me. Keeping up. We got our tickets and waited on the train until we would depart. It began to move in no time.
Noleahs? Christina? a voice from behind us said. I turned to see who it was.
… Ambey?
Ambey! Christina screamed. I didnt notice she turned around when I did.
Hey. Where are you two going? They began to talk. I didnt pay attention to them as the contents outside of the window seemed more interesting. A glowing light. What is that?
Guys… Guys! Look! I pointed out the window towards a girl. She looked like a mage by her clothes looked. Why is she out there? As I said that signs and seals of an ice spell appeared over here head and around her. We have to move…
What? Why? They looked out the window and saw what I saw. We prepared ourselves for a fight. As maplers we had a duty to protect. I pulled out my Dark Ritual from my *magical dimension and began to cast a spell of my own. Seals and sings began to form around me. Ambey! Come on! Christina yelled. They went outside of the train.
Lets attack from here. Amber explained. She readied her bow. She began to glow a golden light and shot and arrow that made the sky shine a beautiful light of death and destruction. The mysterious girl noticed this and her spell canceled as mine came into effect.
Meteo! Meteors began to form coming down in a burning desire. There was no way she could dodge this attack. Yet she did. For a shield of dark light appeared. What the hell is that? As the smoke settled I began to see what was creating this dark light. … A dark priest.
My turn! Signs began to appear over Christina she also glowed a powerful red light. Teleport… she was gone.
She just… Amber began to say as she looked over to the other ship. Christina was there inside the dark light barrier. How will she?… She ran down to where I was. Noleahs..
I know. I had already began the summoning of Mc Queen an ice golem summoned by fire mages. Summon … Mc Queen! He was summoned in all his icy glory. Floating above us,
he waited for my orders.
Explosion! She blew up taking the ship and the two dark ones with it. Yet somehow they all started to fall out of the sky. The dark priest began a summoning ritual for its dragon. Her partner out cold and falling fast she rushed and ended up saving them both. They flew into the mountains.
Go save her. McQueen heard my wish and began to receive Christina.
Thanks. she said hoping off McQueen. It vanished now that its chores were done.
Did you see them closely? Ambey said. Looking really concerned but Christina was unharmed except for a few pieces of her robe that was torn away.
I did. The mage girl had purple eyes and red hair. While the other I didnt see… but I know it was a female because she had breast and a high pitched voice.
How old do you think the red haired purple eye girl is?
Around 12…
Well we are in Orbis now. Lets go. We all got off the train. Wondering what was going on we left the station for no one there would know of the situation. We were about to reach Orbis tower where we would part ways with Amber.
El Nath eh?
Alright you guys be careful. With the current situation we are in they may attack any of us. Including the others… if they know.
Right. I responded. Amber left going towards sunset peak.
Shall we? Christina didnt say a word and just walked towards the tower entrance. … Wait up! I chased after her.
To be continued…
I didn’t read the whole thing, but PuddingInc?
Uh, some of the language was pretty weird, and. . . *scrunches up nose*
Some terms were used in odd contexts.
He liked pudding
It was an actual guild then. I became leader of Cornucopia >< Which is dead also
Lol I see.
You have some problems with punctuation, but eh, I’ll skip that and go straight to style.
I thought it was kinda choppy, with fragments all over the place. Fragments should be used sparingly, if at all, and only for effect.
And you transit between the scenes and location too rapidly and without any proper transition; you lose at lot of focus and detail that way.
Yeah. Do try and improve some more.