Yush, been a while since I’ve last posted up a blog. These past two or so weeks have been filled with night after night of homework and projects that I had no time to play Flyff. Thursday and Friday I got a chance to, and man was it crazy!
Thursday, I finished submitting the 50 young seedlings, but to my dismay, I got 2 spring boxes that gave me Bull Hamsterns. POO I wanted that Gaia Cloak so badly >x Ah well, I never have any luck in event. It’s because I’m POOR. POOOOOOOR!!!!
AHEM. Er, anyway, after that, the guild leader of Maximum Crisis, JayF, and I partied and went to massacre some fishies. I was on Fordenexela to buff and heal ; Elementors have too much fun with their AOEs >< After he lvled to 70, an announcement came on saying something about Darkon server 3 was being invaded by Chimeradons. My reaction was “HOMGwhat?! INVASION LAWLZ! POOR PEOPLE SELLING STUFFS WHILE AFK!!!!” I was on s1, so I missed the invasion. I checked out the town later on s3 and saw a whole bunch of EXP boxes laying around everywhere at the edge of town by the magic shop/general store. Dang…I wanted to see the people getting pwn’d by the lvl 1xx monsters! Yush, over lvl 100. I forget the exact lvl, but they’re stronger than Glaphans!
Friday night, I decided to go on Chiryobi and wander around. While I was flying around St. Morning, a notice came up saying something about Norielc, one of the GMs, hosting a GM event. A bounty of 2mil was on Norielc and whoever killed the GM got cash shop priezes. I believe there were 6 rounds. formz got have the kills, that I remember The prizes weren’t that spectacular, but it looked like a lot of fun. The last prize was an automatic upgrade of a weapon to +10 any element of his/her choice. Lucky person >< If I were lvl 90+, I would have gladly participated. But no. None of my characters are that high leveled D:
But what happened next REALLY made me wish I was 90+. The GM spawned a lvl 80 Clockworks by the Duel Arena just for the heck of it I got there (with a lot of trouble since I was lagging beyond all help) and stayed a safe distance away in the air. I got only one screen shot since I got disconnected afterwards. I tried logging back in and when I did Clockworks was already dead D: I do remember people cursing off at the Elementors to stay away. This event was in PK server so all the Elementor AOEs were killing all the other players off. Funny, but annoying for those trying to kill CW the hard way.
Well, I guess I should go and play some more. Gotta get Fordiddles (JayF’s nickname for my assist) to level 60!
Catch ya later peeps!
Those giant robot spider thingies are cool.
How much is poor to you?
Makes me sad when a few M is poor.
I love the invasion events, and the kill-the-GM ones. But it’s so laggy, so usually when there is one I just float around and watch other people die. XD
It really makes me miss GM Chris, and Janica, and Jax. Dunno if you were around when they were, but they just made everything so fun.
I never collected 50 seedlings. I had 23 the last time I remember, so it’s worthless to turn them in since the event is over. DX oh well~
Flyff used to be fun when my Assist had leech training buddies >
, Oh whell
F*** Life -says Dark-
I don’t quite understand AOE’ing, but it sounds fun. I look forward to when I get to do it!
When I joined Flyff, Chris and Co. were still around TT-TT I miss those days. But Xagel has a cool name. RATED X BAGEL FTW!