EDIT: Ugh…how do these image links work??? Not used to this… Will check it out later.
EDIT2: Nevermind fixed it…I think…
NOTE: These events took place from over a year ago in V5 up to current day, if not a week ago, on V7. This is just a rant on my frustration with a lot of images to go with it. VERY LONG ENTRY!!!!!!
Ever played an MMO with a computer/laptop with a horribly outdated graphics card? Not like the shiny Radeon series or GeForce or whatever they are called. Like one of those old Intel Extreme Graphics 2 or any of the Intel series? I HAVE AND STILL DO.
My laptop is old and big and heavy and slightly broken from my dad throwing it on the floor (the screen lid on the left side is chipped and the same place is falling out of the hinge, although it is still connected by a rubber thing of some sort). So, when I play Flyff, I end up encountering lots of graphic glitches, not to mention lags.
The first time I found the glitches was way back in the early days of my Flyffing career during V5. THIS was when I first encountered something strange about the background. There was this huge wall of black and I had no idea what this was. When I made my character turn a little to left, THIS was what I saw: the same wall except with this patchwork quilt of glitchy colors! I turned right to the end of this wall of doom, and HOLY SHEEP THE SUN was rising up halfway lodged into the wall! Fly towards the light, young Nairia~
This next one I’m particularly iffy about. I’m sure many people have seen this before. The fact that I see it almost everywhere I go makes me wonder why Protection is not protecting anything but thin air?! Of course this allows for some funny screenshots, like this one. An assist using Protection? Not even possible. It’s the same with Pan Barrier also. Cept with the rings being littered everywhere, I kinda wish Gala could do something to at least make the rings not linger around. I HATE seeing these rings everywhere!
Ah Christmas of last year of V6…it was then I encountered another COMMON GLITCH. I used Guillotine on the Steel Knights, and for some reason, the ground kept exploding like it was constantly being Guillotined upon. It stayed there until I decided to relog. When I got back on it was gone.
Backgrounds aren’t the only thing affected by the graphic glitches. Monsters, even people, show symptoms. HERE is my mage with a giant Aibatt transy in effect. As one can see, there are glitchy colors on both giant Aibatts in the picture. It’s happened to just about every single monster I’ve encountered and sometimes even other Flyffers as well. Very ugly…
Oh geez, as if the wall of doom wasn’t enough. Now the BRIDGES have been glitched psychedelic. Nothing more to be said.
Yay! FLOATING EXP RECOVERY BOXES! Who hasn’t seen these guys littering the air?
Took THIS before my graphics driver broke on me, like it always does when someone spams Asal. I pressed the Print Screen button rather than 0 because my finger was right on the button. Not a glitch, but cool ;
Job change omens. THIS was after I killed that thing by the Tableland of Silence for the Blade job change quest. I looked up and saw this glitch. Looks like a secret message to me, but I can’t make out what it says. Can you???
Hoho, BLACK WALL OF DOOM returns!
THIS must be my favorite glitch. I died because of a disconnection. When I logged back on, I opened the party menu and saw that my box was red, meaning I was dead. Here I am standing at the spot where I died, alive and well. In font of me is an empty blinking health meter, which is me according to the party menu. I did not see a body there, but I did see my health meter. I’m dead and alive at the same time! I relogged again and the glitch was gone.
Last one. THIS was the most recent one. This was a week ago during Aibatt Server 3’s Virginia Tech victims remembrance walk. This was at the end where the GMs showed up beyond the invisible wall that prevents the crowd from hoarding around them. The GMs launched rockets from the X-mas event. Soon after, tons of people followed suit. Having such a crap laptop, my computer immediately lagged like hell (as if it didn’t during the walk. Almost all of the entire server was here). The sparkles from the fireworks should have disappeared after a while, but they didn’t on my screen. It grew so much that it covered 90% of my screen with white. I somehow managed to turn around so that I faced the other way, and the lights disappeared. UGH NEVER AGAIN.
Anyway, this is the end so far. I have yet to find more odd glitches to get frustrated over. These image glitches due to my graphics card have ruined the ability for me to play without cringing at something going wrong. I wish I had a Vista to use, so I can use the glow and shadow effects D: Screw the shaking screen problem, I want better graphics!
Thank you for reading this super long thing of nothingness. I bet I wasted a lot of your time. Good day everyone.
Catch ya later peeps!
Like this= [url=insert web linkhere]Some random title[/ url]<- Remove the space]
THISbefore my graphics driver broke on me, like it always does when someone spams Asal.
THISbefore my graphics driver broke on me, like it always does when someone spams Asal.”
Ay, I figured it out afterwards. The url and image linking is different from what I was used to. Or maybe because it was presented to me in a different way than before O-o Oh well. Thanks anyway.
Kiss your laptop, and maybe it’ll work again. [/useless advice]
The glitches are awesome, kinda. Especially the white-out ones.
But I bet it wasn’t funny when you went through them.
Kiss your laptop, and maybe it’ll work again. [/useless advice]
The glitches are awesome, kinda. Especially the white-out ones.
But I bet it wasn’t funny when you went through them.
TT-TT If only life was simple like that,
D: It wasn’t fun at all. I freaked out over everything. But looking back at them, I just laugh at my stupid laptop.