“Our top player currently is Flow

So I was just minding my buisness, im sick and at home, so why shouldn’t I play FlyFF?

I was just minding my buisness, when I see a new server at the top: “Glaphan”

Hmm. Its not on the news.

I clicked it, wondering if I could be… DUNDUNDUN: Legendary.

I was fooling around, so I typed in the name: “Name” On the creation screen.


None of the names were taken.


So after going through 30 of the best ever names, I filled up my Character list with the best named mules EVAH.



and “Nature”

Yeah… pretty decent.

I log in, and see only 3 people are on. 😮

after 6 people came, we hunted for a while, and created the first Contribution party on the Glaphan server.

We named it: “First”


I got to 15 in a jiffy.

Then, a GM came.

“Notice: Our top player currently is Flow”

I was like: omgroflcaeks.

Ch’yeah, soon Kyu beat me. >.>

I have all the top players on my messenger. How sweet is that?

Ill keep you posted when im THE BEST THERE EVER WAS.

…Gotta catch em’ all? >.o

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