Cliché Story T_T

I know that this will be a short and unsupported blog, so please don’t take it seriously..
But I’m just kinda sick of all the overused motifs in the stories I find on this site T_T

I’m going to make a story taking every cliché I’ve found, you unoriginal authors.

The most beautiful girl in all of the Maple land who just-happens-to- be-the-heroine-of-the-story-and-some-ultra-cool-<insert type>-mage, began to chant some ultra high spell in defense against the uber monster (i.e. Balrog, werewolf, something in El Nath) she was facing because she was oh-so-weak and couldn’t take it on by herself.
Just as she was about to recieve the final blow and started to cry because all of THOOSE memories about her past-lover-and-the-promises-they-made-but-had-to-break-them-because-some-horrible-thing-killed-the-last-guy-and-now-they’re-torn-apart-and-she’s-been-wandering-around-meaningless-in-her-self-doubt, some “random” <insert type> warrior male who just-happens-to-be-ultra-cool-looking-and-the-STRONGEST-person-in-the-whole-Maple-land-but-doesn’t-have-a-girlfriend-and-is-looking jumps into the rescue and saves her with some crazy move and they go to a hotel together and flirt HOW CUTE.

Then all of a sudden.. <insert antagonist here!> who just happens to be a Hermit! He’s a daaarrkk hermit that wears black cloaks and stuff.
The dark dood yells out, “Ahahaha random-warrior-person! 1’m str0ngR dan j00!!1”
Warrior-guy: “H4XX!!1”
“Ah, but it’s true! You see, I was somehow tied with the mage-lady’s unfortunate past and the dissapearance of her lover! And now I challenge you to mortal kombat… BY FACING ME/ZAKUM/BALROG/SOMETHING REALLY REALLY STRONG!”
“Aha!” The warrior guy replies, “but you see, my cocky attitude and pride of being the ultra best warrior person evar says that YER LIEING!”

Then that night, the warrior guy prepares for the next day’s fight while the mage starts to cry. Noticing her tears
so full of sorrow! Oh noes! , he wipes them off of her and shows a-totally-different-attitude-from-what-he-just-was-and-has-actually-softened-but-don’t-worry-he’ll-return-to-being-tough-as-soon-as-his-testosterone-goes-up-and-he-starts-fighting. Then she blurts out “;__; *sniff* Mister warrior man don’t go to fight him!!1 I know him from my childhood because he slayed my parents in front of me or something really tragic, and he’ll -gasp- KILL J00!”
<insert warrior’s way cheezy line>
“OH NUU!!!1 But the dark hermit also killed my ex lover that you were jealous of because you saw me and him trying to have babies last year!”
And finally the warrior person hugs the mage and says, “OMG ur lyke sooo pretty. Do you want to be my girlfriend and start dating in a totally-unlead-up-to-not-really-romantic-and-no-one-has-compassion-for-the-couple-but-everyone-knew-they’d-get-together-from-the-start-anyways relationship?!!?”

And then the two make out and fall asleep in that random house in El Nath and the warrior leaves during the night, leaving a note saying, “DON’T WORRY ABOUT ME EVEN THOUGH I KNOW YOU’LL COME IN THE FINAL BATTLE AND SAVE ME AND WE’LL CONFESS OUR LOVE AGAIN AND REALIZE OUR TOTALLY CLICHE STORY YAEY”

Then there’s the final showdown, and you know it’s the final showdown because the chapter is called “OMG FINAL SHOWDOWN SQUEEE ALL CAPS!!11”
As the warrior sees the hermit,the hermit laughs and says, “HAHAHA I’m so uber and totally twisted the past of that mage!”

“OMG Dood that’s not cool! That mage is my lover!”
“OMG STFU” *does some crazy move tactic*

Then for some reason the Hermit pulls out some crazy monster that he’s been hiding and is all “WHAT NOW!!!1 HAHA I HAVE THE POWER OF THIS CRAZY MONSTER THAT I BET TIGER COULD KILL IN ONE HIT!”
The warrior slashes the uber monster a couple times and realizes that he sucks and is in desperate need of help…

When all of a sudden teh mage comes! YAY!!1 😀
“Mage! I need your help!”
“Well warrior, you’re actually going to need to use brains for this battle because the monster has some sort of unfair advantage and he’ll die from something really easy instead of brute strength this time!”
“What can I do?!”
“Well this monster can read your mind. Put your controller into Port 2!”
“Just do it Snake!”
(references for the win!)

Then all of a sudden the warrior does what the mage says and YAEZ THEY BEAT HIM!!!1
Oh.. and the Hermit dies with the monster. YAEZ!!
Oh and.. the two fall in love and make Maple babies. YAEZ!!!!!

EDIT::: A better ending ::: (I was tired when I wrote the previous ending)
As the warrior slashed with that mighty trademark move that makes him lean towards some gey KS’ing Dragon Knight (You know, the type that spam their moves around the FM, luring some noobs and milking their “Oohs” and “Aahs”) and finishing the beast, the hermit was destroyed as well because… just because!
All of a sudden the mage collapses because she was injured during the battle! Or the warrior from some battle wound! But whatever, it doesn’t matter because the other person will just hold them in their arms and start to cry as the other person loses consciousness, and they both realize that they can’t live without each other, and then the power of LOVE LOVE LOVE!!**<3~!** revives them both and they are united again!
They then spend the next years married and spawning their Maple Children with the curse of the bad grammar.

No really.
Stop making stories like these.
I want to read something original.
(Meaning.. reccomend me something!)

15 thoughts on “Cliché Story T_T”

  1. Sorry.
    I doubt anyone will like this story.

    The story was made on a whim and it’s totally unedited and messy. It’s hard to read, myself DX
    Sorry for the hyphenated parts, too ><

    It’s not refined and not to be taken seriously.
    I was frustrated at the time -_-

    Just, read the last paragraph.

  2. Okay, that was so freakin’ awesome. You get MAJOR cool points for pointing out what I’ve been trying to all along.

    If you’re looking for a good suggestion, try my story ‘The Day the Clock Chimed’. No clichéd love story in sight! 😀


  3. W00t!

    SOOOO CLICHED that its funny xD

    I hate stories like these. Exactly like a soap opera.

    Hate it all!

    Well, Indigo, you brought up a very very good point

    EDIT: Maybe you should go for comedy stories

  4. XD
    Thanks guys <3

    WEWT. I made my first good story! xP

    But really. Cool beans, thanks guys <3

  5. I love it. I’m going to look at every one of these stories now and hold your blueprint up to them to see if they fit. If they don’t, I may actually read them. D= SHOCK HORROR.

  6. I have barely read any series but probably 5. And they all cliche this perfectly xD! Great work except I still haven’;t heard about the hermit being th evil d00d. And yeah, WHY ALWAYS EL NATH?! (My story is the same but SPBLEH! [Spuh-Bleh: said really fast]) El Nath is like the main 5x zone and yeah. xD Btw, I loved the cliche where you connected it line by line instead of explaining lol, I read it aloud really fast and it was hi-larious!

  7. i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]
    i like this story =]

  8. Concept was nice, but it warped my window. I keep on having to scroll left and right.

  9. Lmao, that was very true for basically any story here. Everytime I see those stories, I skip basically go find something else worthwhile to read.

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