Defrosting Mandos from cryogenic slumber

Well its four more days to my next paper, so i finally went to patch my maple, which took AGES, i havent patched my maple since three months ago i think.

Found Silver online, and briefly shared my patching woes. I believe the exact quote was “I might as well have installed the new game client.”
Anyway i wanted out of Ludibrium, the psycho psychidelic legoland of doom. Gaaaawd my eyes. When I take over Maple, that town will be the first to –

You didnt see that. >.>

ANYWAY! I proceeded to get lost in Ludibrium. No, seriously. One block looks the same as the other. Especially when theyre stacked together. I ended up having to ask Silver for directions, at which point the conversation dissolved into hilarity. Yeah thats right, “Mandosisanoob” standard obligatory conversation ><. Bleh. I left Mandos one cold, snowy night in Ludibrium and nevah came back. THe guy musta stood there for ages. Reminds me of my old dog which i commanded to sit in the middle of the road. Ehehehhe. Trusting foo-

*Shakes head rapidly*

MOVING ON! Booked a ticket on the toy train, and proceeded to while the time away chatting. At which point i suddenly had company forthe ride, a lv 24 mage by the name of Rurrrve, whom I proceeded to impress with my mad clownng around skillz. So much that she famed me. Silver will claim that I was wrecking the boat and she was trying to pacify me. Lies.

Touched down in Orbis, and went to paint the town red. I hadnt been there in ages. Met up with Silver and her classmate and since both of us had just lvlled, she suggested we go after lucidas in a suicidal run. I didnt mind, as nthing could realli compare to the last time I Dark Sighted thru Sanctuary as a lv 2X thief. I still have nightmares about that place. Had the narrowest brush of death with a taurospear, luckily the powah of darkness saved me. Daaaaaaarkness.

Suicidal run turned out to be aptly named, since I forgot to set my pots keys. As such, when a horde of Grupins (there was a horde, i tell you!) converged on me, even the powah of daaaarkness failed to save me. Which just ensured more hilarity ensued. (Try saying that in one sentence 8D) Eight months of not mapling does not a pro make.

Finally made it to Lucida Gardens, where Silver managed to kill one before we skedaddled off. Tried farming the giant kitties again, and i died. Again. So i spent some time hovering around and making wise comments (check out the ss i took), especially at the nutter who got to lv. 123 and ppl started congratulating him via megaphone. I tracked him down and shoved him off a cliff. No wait, I didnt. Shame.

After respawning at Orbis, proceeded to walk off the edge as usual, falling right down to the potion shop, which darn near killed me. This gave the nonentity i call my brain an idea, and I climbed back up to the spot where i repawned, and jumped off again. I landed staright smackdown into the Potion shop entrance, and spent ten seconds laughing at the faces of the people. And i forgot to take a screenshot of that priceless moment. Hang me.

Went to farm luna and luster pixies to help snow0811 (Silver’s classmate) finish up the quest. Got about 5% for it, but had fun dodging projectiles with 1337 Matrix skillz. And showing off jump shoot for the heck of it. Id forgotten how fun it was.

When we finished, snow ent back to spirulina, while silver tried to emulate the hallowed skill of jump shoot we sexeh sins have. She actually succeeded, but the ss wont show it. My hand eye coordination is the pits, which explains my Audition slump.

Went back to ORbis, where I sparked a revision discussion of Economics by going on about terminal velocity (has a nice ring to it . TERMINAL velocity). Grew bored since I dont take Econs and started prodding Silver with my fish spear when she didnt give answers. Or when she did give answers.

After which, we went to Aqua Road to test if the non-Orbis bug still was at work. Turns out it probably was just lag at the Maple TV in Aquarium. Which triggered delirious celebrations and a whack from Silver when i spoke the truth. See screenshot for further details.

Massacred sea creatures for a while then went to Aquarium. Silver suddenly dced and her friend logged out to pull her out from the smouldering ruin of Aquarium. Which I had nothing to do with *whistles*

Loungng around Aquarium, some guy started playing a song for his maple gf, and the msg sent was, song received from xlxkoplxlx. So pops up this cleric to interrupt them and ask why he sent her that song. Hilarity ensued when the gf got jealous and walked away whilke the cleric tried to patch things up. I was standing there the whole time just going ahahahaah.

About to go back to maple after going down to buy stuff. Cheers to all from the game freak,


(1) Me clowning around on the way back to Orbis
(2) The dead me trying to get Silver to keel the Grupins sniffing around my grave
(3) Poking Silver for answers during the improptu Econs revision
(4) Getting a whack for speaking the truth. Man.
(5) The hilarious aquarium scene involving a married couple, a nosy cleric, and my laugh track accompniment.

4 thoughts on “Defrosting Mandos from cryogenic slumber”

    Nvm, I still have all sort of funny SSes to show. Especially those of your multiple deaths. ^^

    Btw, I got your 50 seal meats. Will be on MSN.

  2. Thats fast o.O. I ws running down the blog to see if it was readable when i saw one comment there.

  3. Desecrating your grave.

    Just thinking of the myriad ways giant cats could desecrate your grave is hilarious.

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