fan art

the first pic is a portrait of me and my gf =)
second is what i will look like int he future, a big fat old guy priest -__-
the third is orochimaru haha hes a cool guy so i modified the avatar a bit=) hope you like its

5 thoughts on “fan art”

  1. Aw, that’s cute :3 You’re a wonderful artist.

    Keep it up~ I like seeing pretty art

    (PS: You are not a fat priest! >:o)

  2. ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nononoonnooononon i did not draw that i simple gave my friend ideas, i edited what i didnt like from the pic (thats all i do best anyways) hehehehe, so yeah the true artist behind the artwork is my friend at school she is uber artist =), i simply gave her what i want drawn as a guideline sketch, gave her colour schemes and and so on, but i did the other 2 avatars, ill post in my drawings later they are unfinished -__-

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