There are no other blogs on this. Nope. None.
My router filed a restraining order on me.
Supposedly, I’ve been hitting, thwacking, and throwing it too much. I say, lies. To stay online for more than two minutes, without disconnecting, seems to be too much to ask. (That is, on the bad days. On the good days, I might not disconnect for fourty minutes.) Ahh, I’ll figure something out.
As the other three blogs on the front page detail, Friday was good.
So.. I have no material to talk about.
Broa time!
I haven’t leveled in quite a while. Disconnecting seems to be detrimental to training. There are other reasons I’m still level 76, but I like to blame everything on “reasonsotherthanmyself”.
That day, the router decided to grant me a sizable block of uninterrupted time. Flipping through the channels, I came upon a FoG with only one other occupant. Of course, nothing comes easily for Iepiat.
A crossbow user and a cleric came in, both in their high sixties. Instead of taking the free top and bottom platforms, they lingered on mine. As I’ve said, I hate killstealing, but I had to defend myself. ; )
The cleric was basically useless, with a weak holy arrow build. The crossbow seemed to have gone the arrow blow route, showing off his unstable damage. I, however, had gotten almost as proficient with jumpshots as I was last year.
My forward jumpshots are fine and my standing jumpshots are acceptable, but my backshots are not as good – then again, I’d never really pulled off backshots very well, since I wear snowshoes all the time. [1]
Also, I was like seven levels above them. [2]
Shamefully, the cleric hopped down and the crossbowman jumped onto a rope. As I continued killing, I found a 60% glove attack scroll, my second now from the Forest.
Soon after he saw me get the drop, the crossbow started spamming at me and begging for a party. Another person came into the map, Sicangu; the crossbow started asking for HP pots or a town scroll, so the newcomer gave him the latter.
In a strange turn of events, I famed the page and the crossbowman famed me:
jiiwatll: Do u have a nearest Town Scroll
jiiwatll: Do u have a nearest Town Scroll
jiiwatll: thank u
You have raised ‘Sicangu”s level of fame.
Sicangu: Sorry man, I famed already today
jiiwatll: I didnt
Sicangu: No him
‘jiiwatll’ have raised ‘101iepiat”s level of fame.
More strangers entered the Forest, a newbish cleric and a mage. The minute they came in, monsters began shifting radically on a horizontal axis. [3] Seriously. A level 77 mage with 31 fame and the ign “dieperson”? I’m pretty sure it was him.
My patience thoroughly tried, I decided to log off.
Aquila time!
Lunar is awesome. Roisin is cool. Silver is just.. liekomgsecks.
As soon as I logged on, I drowned in megaphone spam. [4] Here’s the breakdown:
Hate megas: 12
Happy megas: 8
Buying megas: 1
Selling megas: 7
Other: 4
Most noticeable was that person who used eleven megas to talk about one scammer. Another mega that caught my attention was the ‘finding’ one.
h0neyypiie [ch16]: f> caring shui pro rich kyo0te bf ! lv 14x+ TO MARRY!
In other words, “I want to leech money and experience off of some chump whose character and appearance I judge by looking at their pixels. Also, concluding from my character name, I’m probably a guy.”
Eh? Looks like they took my brilliant advice.
Rannoch: Iepiat! We demand… uh… Tax! Yeah.
Iepiat: I only have 7.7k mesos. D:
Rannoch: What happened to Mr.76 D00D? o.o
Iepiat: He’s in Broa?
Rannoch: WHAAAAA.
Rannoch: **** you to hell, BROA!!! >.
Rannoch: Oh cool!
Rannoch: We can say **** here
Iepiat: >_>
Iepiat: I bought a crossbow.
Rannoch: A CROSSBOW??
OrchidDragon: oh jeebus lol
Rannoch: But… but they’re so ugly…. T_T
Iepiat: It was cheaper.
Iepiat: ;D
In Perion, I met LunarPanda and Roisin for the first time. They called me Iepi. >_
We partied a bit in the garden of mushrooms, where I got to practice my hit-run tactics and crossbow jumpshot skills. Shoot, run, backshot, shoot. Repeat as desired.
Roisin and I were getting hit pretty hard, so the three of us went to the slime tree. There, I would use my fruit knife with my shield until I had max mp then use my crossbow until I ran out of mp; this way, I could save arrows and pot money.
It would appear Lunar and Roisin are the “talk while training” type, while I’m the “only speak up to share interesting things that happen while training” type.
For example…
SILVER LOGGED ON!!! [5] (This event deserves caps, ‘kay?)
Gemina: brb, to retrieve the Pig
Rannoch: Pig?
Iepiat: Bawka.
Iepiat: Read up on your lore, kiddoes. :p
Gemina: XD
Gemina is the name of Silver’s spearperson; we both lamented about the shortcomings of melee. Using melee weapons, I hit the attack button and expect to do damage to distant monsters. Additionally, I found myself slamming my space bar for PKB whenever a slime got too close, and I felt an urge to bomb any group of three slimes or more. >_
I’m too lazy to type the next exchange up, so here’s the link.
Lunat and I then disagreed, of all things, about whether or not he was right when he said, “You can’t nail Jello to a tree.” I disconnected, came on a minute later, and said thus: Linky.
In Henesys, getting my level fifteen quests, I met some random fellow who gave me two scrolls. Admittedly, I thought he was trying to rip me off or sell me a scroll worth more than I had. Instead, I got a 60% bottom defense scroll and a 10% top defense scroll. For free.
Then, Lunar gave me my level fifteen equips. Yay!
The slimes had been dealing me sixteen damage per hit, so I felt the pain of the low levels in Global who had to run away from the egg monsters. Here’s a little something for them.
Iepiat: Oh my, a 124 on a red snail.
Rannoch: 124?/
Rannoch: DAMMMM
OrchidDragon: (rofl) way overkill
Rannoch: 124/8=16
Rannoch: You coulda killed 16 snails! >
Rannoch: Gastropod hater!!
Iepiat: >_>
Iepiat: Mycetozoa hater.
Rannoch: You kill them too. -_-
Whoo. You know Foofar1829. o-o I’ve been in multiple parties with him, and I was going to stalk you sometime. But you were offline. So I was like, “Bah.”
But yeah. 0-0 It’s a small world, or so it seems. Once I get to Lv90, aye, I’ll come and KS everyone out of your channel so you can train. >w<
<3 Piat. ^^
Maybe you should give your router a hug or two ^^; Then it might weep tears of joy and stay connected for once.
That hate Smega spammer person also irritated me enough last week to take a SS of her/his Smegas with the accompanying caption: ‘STFU’.
honeypiie person also Smegaed more than once for a insignificant half.
Regulars, these people are. XD
*drools at strafe piccy.* D:
I refuse to call you ‘Piat.
Nice blog, though Iepi, and yes, I am awesome >
how much time did you spend in total in Broa AND Aquilia?
I have a level 11 in Aquilia and a level 44 sin-dit in Broa. they r both named Wolfboy183.
I have more fun in Broa. o and i was so disapointed the ship to orbis costs 80k and comes once an hour -_-
Just think of all the money people could save if they didn’t buy smegas
Think of the money I could save I gotta stop NX whor’ing.
Piat~! You’ll be pleased to know that Silvah influenced me to call you that. (^__^)
Hey Allen wanna help me get MS to work again lol?
-=The Nazgul=-
I the blog was very entertaining x) I loved the conversations! And the screenies! Andandand everything
Whenever I remember to stalk Roku, he’s always in his shop. D:
Wolfguy, that actually covered two different days. And 80k? Wow, I didn’t know that.
Maple still isn’t working? Tell me what’s wrong! Message me, or come over some time. I hugged my router, so it loves me now. ^^
Piat. . .Sounds like a fly swatter swatting a table.
80K going, 20K returning, in SEA: that’s the price it takes to travel between the two main continents. See why I didn’t drag Silver over to see you guys now? :3
Any idea of how I can play MapleSEA also in Taiwan without IP block?