Lawl at procrastination, Chewy. At least I got the blog out this week.
In yet another demonstration of my willingness to help others, I signed on this past Saturday to aid in Silver’s magician job advance.
Okay, I just needed an excuse to start playing Flyff again. Lawlzors.
By the time I had logged on and added Silver to my buddy list, she had already finished the timed portion of the advancement. So, we basically just chatted and blinkwinged around while she talked to the necessary NPCs. Shortly after we had returned to Flaris, she had to leave to do something, leaving my buddy list empty.
I didn’t feel very much like training when there was no one to talk to, so I made a character in Lawolf.
I knew for certain that one person played in Lawolf: Lamvao. His were the first Flyff experience blogs that I found uniquely interesting. There was bound to be at least one person I could buddy in Lawolf. Only one little problem stood in my way.
In Mia, I used to lag furiously all the time, especially during peak hours. There would be times of frustration when I’d die because of lag, come back, die again due to lag, and sign off to go do something else. Though I knew nothing about Lawolf, I hoped the same would not occur there.
Server 1: Full
Server 2: Full
Server 3: Full
PK Server: Busy
Iepiat: Lawolf… I now rename you Lagwolf!
So I started out playing in the PK server.
I created a character named Iepiat, and I landed, once again, fresh into a new world. Trying to add Lamvao to my buddy list, I soon learned that he wasn’t on.
It was at level six that I remembered. Oh! He plays on another character named Binseon!
He was so helpful, patiently answering my multitudes of newbish questions (since there’s only so much information one can glean from an incomplete fansite). In fact, once I became a magician, he brought his friend Chaoticx to Lawolves to show me the amazing skills that Elementors and Psykeepers have.
I didn’t have nearly as much trouble with the advancement as Silver did. =P
The timed portion was nothing at all, and the items I had already prepared. The only thing I had left to do was defeat the monster. [2] He had offended me, stolen my uberhawt orange and green vagrant style, and he would get what was coming for him.
It was the fight of the century, the grudge match to end them all, the —
I won.
Some time during that day, a random person in Flaris asked me to help him form a guild. I agreed reluctantly, and the guild MySTicS was created. Observing how my guildmates typed, I would have left the guild just then. If only I had known how.
In the third screenshot, I’m talking to a person just added to my buddy list, Dilamino. He turned out to be Ink from this site. I knew him in Mia, and it seemed he had also been converted to Lawolf. As the screeny shows, he, Lamvao, and Chaoticx had been on Mia, trying to get Indescane and I to transfer to Lawolf.
We, the four of us, talked a bit on Mia (Des wasn’t on, unfortunately) and returned to Lawolf. During this period of time, I learned that the servers are usually only “Full” on weekend afternoons; on the weekdays, they’re at “Normal” status.
Due to a rule of the game, I couldn’t join their guild Neptune. I had to wait until 48 hours after quitting another guild, which Chaoticx kindly taught me how to do. Ink (Dilamino) partied me and “pleveled” me up a level. [4] He also gave me 500k penya and a few cool items. Thanks, Ink! He even took me to the PvP arena and lost to me a few times so I could earn the title of “Apprentice”. =D
This Wednesday, I could finally join Neptune. It was amazing. Everyone I talked to was polite to me, and more amazingly, most of them typed intelligently. The last screenshot is simply a picture of me and Infinitex, the full-support assist of Chaoticx.
Certainly now, my interest in Flyff has been rekindled. The new friends I have in Neptune made coming over worthwhile.
I haven’t died from lag a single time.
Playing FlyFF in. . .1 hour!
So Silver is now in Lawolf? Or is she a magician. . .?
Heck. No one in my school plays FlyFF. =(
I’m gonna join because lots of friends are in it now.
Oh go ahead and mock me, my laggy compie and my noobiness. MOCK.
So you never lagged in Lagwolf?
OMG i could never find any of you in Mia, so back to Aibat i go. T_T
;_; I play in Lawolf
Ilu. ;D
Mock mock mock mock — umm wait, there was a point to this blog. . .
Oh! Everyone should come to Lawolf. Winkety-wink.
To me, I don’t seem to lag as much as I did in Mia, though of course I lag a bit in the towns where everyone’s vending. Hmm, maybe it’s just the times that I play. Anyway, it can’t hurt to make a Lawolf character and test it out yourself.
Ink, o rly? Penya up front, kthxbai. ;D
You level so fast. Last time I checked your level, you were 20, I looked last time, now you were 40. I haven’t looked yet, but, you probobly are higher now.
Keep up the good work. ^^
D: I am mocked.
I guess I’ll do that, when the Mother gets off my case. XD
I always thought Lawolf was the newest (well, second newest at this time) server. It’s the most filled? I picked wrong. Oh well, it seems everyone here’s coming over to Lawolf anyway, so it’ll be easier to relate, and not have to go cross-server. *COUGHCURSEYOUSCANIACOUGH*
It’s Lawolf -> the other one -> Mushpoie -> Mia -> the newest one, right?
Lol, “Lagwolf”. I think I played on Aibatt. Can’t remember. I got to level 20 mage and quit :