document.write(‘…I think I’m going to die.’)
I loathe wild boars.
Why? It’s quite simple, really.
I was on my magician, which I mentioned in my previous blog. Having reached level 25, I eagerly put on my new equips (read: nothing). With 127 Int, I decided that I was strong enough to try out wild boars, for I knew that I would be able to kill them in two hits 100% of the time. Thus, I wanted to try out these swine instead of massacring the spore-ish fools of the ant tunnel. This did not turn out to be a very smart idea.
Entering the Land of Wild Boar, I was ready for action. A single wild boar… two clicks of a button and its little piggy soul was seeking redemption. This was easy. I proceeded to the center of the map, slaughtering animals left and right. At this point, I met a pair of Jr. boogies, which soon put an end to my fun. Sigh. Miss/miss is not something I am accustomed to seeing. I decided to continue on, remembering that Wild Boar II had none of those pale ghosties. It’s too bad I forgot where the entrance to the map was.
A trip to Hidden-street and a slap to the head later, I arrived at the Land of Wild Boar II.
Here’s my technique of mobbing show-off mobs. It begins with finding a suitable map. I walk around, trying to decide which platform spawns can be combined to form the biggest mob, labeling these “favorable” platforms in my mind. For ten minutes or so, a friend and I persist in killing monsters on the unfavorable platforms, to boost the amount of monsters in the mob-able area. I begin mobbing. Whacking at monsters, I run around pissing them off with melee attacks until a large group starts following me. [1]
After that, I get kicked, trampled upon, mauled, and eventually killed. [2]
Someone once explained to me about ensuring the continuation of a species through adaptation and reproduction (or something weird like that), but I wasn’t really paying attention.
Iepiat: sfksdkfjlsdjflswkefjdfklhsl
Iepiat: Your wife is a big hippo!
Iepiat: Die, you [illegitimate child]!
Wild Boar: nub
Wild Boar: nuuuuuuuuuuuub
Wild Boar: nubcake
Wild Boar: weaksauce
Wild Boar: pansy
Iepiat: …
Iepiat: I’LL SHOW YOU!!!
(30 minutes later)
Iepiat: Stupid boat.
Iepiat: Uhh… where’s Wild Boar II again?
I think I’ll go train on snails, thankyouverymuch.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL i really think mages should get a mob skill that goes through the monsters not something that drops down on them like ice strike cuz to me ice strike looks very weak that also goes for shining ray. wizet should really do something to make mage skills look more appealing
LOLOLOLOL no one is posting on this thread but me! i guess everyone hates you except me!
You read the exact same things I do!
“Quick, more boiling oil!”
Anyway. Wild Boars suck. I typed boards there. Wild Boards suck too, in fact, but I doubt they could hurt you as much. . .or could they?
Yay! Pratchett for the win.
lol the big pic is funny lol
♥ sushi ♥
Aw, you lost 3.5% in experience. Nice nick, by the way.
ur IGN is like off the richta
Lol, the code thing is funny. if (mob_number >= 4) . . .
Oh and Inferno looks much better than Blizzard -_- just NOT FAIR
err , accoding to the first picture , looks like ‘someone’ was hacking ,
What hacking? He clearly explains what was going on in that pic.
o0lonewolf0o – The mage skills already look pretty cool to me, heh. Remember, the “falling from above” attacks hit on all sides, while the “going through” attacks can only hit one side of the character.
Indescane – Yeah, I couldn’t help adding that quote. xD Imagine a board of hardy wood, animated by black magic and angry at the world. Coming towards you. At 50 m/s. Run away already! ;D
pirotess – Thanks, that took some hard work.
SuNleSsSiN – Edit: Oh hmm, thanks sapphire8.
RandomGuy – 3.51%. Big difference there. Mhmm. Especially because we all know how difficult it is to train a level 25 magician. Ahem.
corn – Haha, you like it? I don’t say “cc plz” or “I must say, good sir, that it would be beneficial to both of us if you found a different channel to train on.”; I just say “!”. F3.
sapphire8 – Hey, man, we don’t get freeze like you guys. >_<
I agree that Inferno is pure smecks though. =)
Yeah lol, Inferno rocks but it isn’t as useful as in, pure useful.
I hear Rain looks better than Eruption too, you get all the good stuff -_- not to mention 4th job skills, even if they’re just rumors. . . T_T
@sapphire8: Rangers’ Strafe got nerfed. Did you know? It used to be faster than Snipers’, now it’s less faster. At least, that was what my Ranger friend was griping about the last time I talked to him. So our good stuff just got less good. But Rangers are still sexeh. ^^
And what TP quote? *blinks* I do believe I missed it.
Pretty mob. I never bother to mob, mainly because there’s always someone popping into the map, so there’s sort of no point unless I want to get angry or something. And Arrow Bomb is sexeh too. ^^ I had fun bombing all the critters in Aqua Road today, and all them puffball Leatties. Exploshun! [/incoherence]
I wonder if that IGN is taken up in SEA. If it isn’t, I could make a new beginner and say “!” to everyone I see.
Lol I love the screenshots. The first time I found out about the wild boars, I died, and cursed, and tried again, and died, and cursed.
Pretty much did that until I was a high enough level where I could kill them in one hit and BOOM HEADSHOT >D!
Anyway, I enjoyed reading this.