
Arrow rain, yay!

The new guild I’m in is nice. Supposedly, it was created only two or three weeks ago, which is remarkable since it has 70 members right now. I’m guessing people decided to merge guilds or asked friends to leave current ones.

I’ve been in the guild for about a week now, and a few people stood out as soon as I met them. The leader, LordPyrus, called everyone by name – a good sign. WVFiascoVW, Da1337Cleric, cleokitten, shadow0elvew, Darvinious, and xlilexpertx were all new names to me and will probably be mentioned a few times. I also saw a couple of old friends: LambdaDriver and Foofar1829.

Having just leveled, I strolled around in the FM to look at bone helm prices. In about the eighth room I checked, one merchant had put a bone helm up for 5.8 mil. Excellent!

After I spent nearly all of my cash money on the jumpyspeedy hat, with only 84k remaining, I left to replenish my potion stock.


The NPCs have stopped selling me stuff on credit. >_>

BlackNazgul asked me to come train with him on zombies, so I walked over from my own map in z2. I partied with him for a half-hour, then signed off to do something. When I got back on, the first thing I saw was BlackNazgul saying “DONT KILL ANYTHING,” and “WAIT!”

He was at 99.86%, and I helped him level. [1]


Iepiat: HOLY
Iepiat: crog at z2
Iepiat: >_>
ValkyrieWing: f3
xlilexpertx: LOL
ValkyrieWing: its weak
xlilexpertx: Coming

I was back at z2 when a crimson balrog spawned in my map. Since I didn’t know the clones were weakened, the first thing I did was run like the blazes.

After I learned that they were merely shadows of their true forms, I came back and smiled at it. [2]

(You have gained experience (+1267))


As I stood dumbly in the Kerning subway station, ticket in hand, I realized I had no idea how to get to the New Leaf City. I changed channels a few times, trying to follow people and find out where they went – to the bubblings, or the stirges, or the wraiths. None of them ever entered the secret portal I was so sure was hidden behind one of the cracks or loose stones in the background.

When I returned to the ticket seller’s map, about to ask my guild for help, I saw someone jump down and ‘attack’ an object in the lower-right corner of the map, complaining that they were late.

…Stupid potion quickslot was blocking the ticket taker thing.

The town itself is cool. I like the representatives of the four jobs in the background, the Sphinx with the awesome expression, and this little guy.

The introduction quiz cracked me up: “What is a Foxwit Door?”

Why, of course, “Someplace where foxes hide and play tennis!” XD Or is it “A door made of candy and hope?”

Fire Tusks are awesome. They shoot fire. I also shoot fire. I, however, can kill them in one hit.

Wolf spiders can kill me in one hit.

(I died.)


The next day, I signed on with the intent to finish that cursed Hyperglyph quest.

Iepiat: 7/50 hyperglyphs
Iepiat: from 200 elephants
Iepiat: Yayyy
Iepiat: So based on that drop rate
Iepiat: Only 1228.57 more freaking kills to go!! ;DDD

I started traveling back to town, bored with the quest, when I saw Cheezy, who was going down to kill the electrophants. So uh.. I went back down with him.

He died, heh. [3]


When I first got to the gryphon map, I glared in outrage at the audacity of They to put even more flying creatures in the game. [4] What were they thinking? :[

I soon realized, though, that, one, arrow rain rocks, and two, I have it. Even though it’s only level one, the range is suitable enough for the great spawn rate.

Fighting alongside the random party I had joined, I finished the sheriff’s quest a few times, getting the cool diamond-tipped arrows and crossbow bolts.


Both nights this weekend, a few people in our guild decided to do the GPQ. I tagged along with everyone in this screeny and someone on their mule.

All I ever do, really, is finish this part and help a bit in other stages.

shadow0elvew: Gaby
Moonspath: yar?
shadow0elvew: join my party
Moonspath: erm i’m good
shadow0elvew: i have a friggin ranger in my party
Iepiat: Pfft
shadow0elvew: not that you aint cool

I haven’t checked very closely, but I’m something like the fifth lowest leveled active main in the guild. Pffffft. (Also, I’m not a cleric. Psh.)


Once we finished, I waited for someone to get a new haircut and color, a bit caught up in the excitement as Da1337Cleric underwent a few changes.

We left to go questing after that, helping others do the basic killing quests. When we’d finished with the killer bee things, the fire tusks, and the electrophants, the others decided to go kill the wolf spiders. After they’d killed a few for me, we did the repeatable sheriff’s quest again. I timed it once – 200 gryphons were killed in 130 seconds.

Everyone’s heard about the boomers, right? When one is damaged, it sits down and summons another; these two can be damaged to summon more boomers. The four of us went to the boomer map, where one of our mages used their poison myst skill to multiply the monsters. [5]



xLeeee: i suggest u dont do that
xLeeee: Neal’s GF: Hey baby, <3, wanna go out tonight?
xxwhoxxu: True… lol

Some people. ;D


I tried Silkroad.

14 thoughts on “Gryphons.”

  1. Nice day, I liked the part when MasterCheeze died and said, “Don’t put this on MMOT!” lol.

  2. I only looked at the screenie of MasterCheeze, lawl.

    I dislike Gryphons, they fall when I freeze em.

  3. Roar! How dare you slander my good name with pictures of me being emasculated by Elephants!

    I haven’t been having much luck on my Sin lately… I just wanna join a party with a F/P Mage and leech-er, help them train.

  4. Lol. I should make a Broan just for stalking purposes. I had one. . . but I don’t remember what happened to it. XD

    Poor Cheezy. At least that wasn’t as bad as me posting a screenie of Panda with a relaxer stuck to his bum, when I was lagging horribly in MSEA one day. Lol. That was hilarious.

    I tried to go to NLC, with a lvl 13 in Mardia, when I realised it cost 3k. Nevermind the fact that I was lvl 13, I wanted to take a tour of death at the time. But I couldn’t spare 3k. XD so it’ll have to wait.

  5. Gah. They just upped the prices on all NLC potions in the latest server check.


  6. Wolfie would be happy to hear that. He’s been complaining that the pots were unfair to Rangers, y’know.

    <3 the blog, as always. Are you going to log into SEA when the Singapore map comes tomorrow? Please do. I want to run amok in it with a few MMOtalers. XD

  7. Aiee, you’re still alive! D; I’m guessing you deleted me because of me being inactive. But I outlevelled you. 😮 Harr. Lovely blog, by the way. Gotta love the picture of Cheezy. Hahaa.

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