Aquila lah.

03:00 and Silver isn’t on.


That dice roll will drive me crazy one day. Seriously, why does Maple not have a point buy system? After all, there’s no storyline to the game, and most everyone who plays the game min-maxes. To me, random stat generation for an MMO is just meh.


I downloaded MapleSEA.

At first, I had no idea why the file was so much larger than the Mapleglobal file, but then I realized that SEA has a heck of a lot more content than Global does. While I downloaded the game, I proceeded to sign up for an Asiasoft passport.

Country of citizenship? Easy.
National ID? Pshh.
Name? Hah!

Of course, I was lying through my teeth. ^_^

On first glance, the interface seemed nearly identical to the one I was used to. I had taken my first two jumps in the game; I was so proud of my superb learning ability, so very very proud. And then I tried to open up my hotkey settings.

Watch as Iepiat casually hits the backslash key. Notice his expression as no window appears on his screen. See him poke the key once more. Grimace as he hits every key on the top row of his keyboard. Examine the small droplet of sweat forming on his brow. Observe the way he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Watch again as he clicks ‘shortcut’, ‘keyboard settings’, then slaps himself. [2]


Let’s skip ahead.

I found my first item at level seven, a green headband. That same level, I made contact with my first MapleSea person. It was astonishing! The glory! The excitement! The-

sudvin2820: help
Iepiat: …

He was being chased by an orange mushroom, one of those level eight monsters with eighty health.

I let him die.


Yoona [NPC]: Amazing! You answered this without any hesitation whatsoever! Based on the resounding success solving the quiz, you should have no trouble navigating your way around Cash Shop. Here’s a reward for the job well done. Choose the one to your liking.

I gathered my stolen fence, my recliner, my strange red and blue hat, and my grey work gloves, then took the ship to Vic.

The shack thing in Henesys had been swept up and replaced by a television during the great Modernization movement, strangers everywhere talked at me in quasi-English, and items on the floor were reluctant to enter my inventory.

I leveled on a slime. [3]

Athena Pierce [NPC]: You need to train more. Don’t think being the Bowman is a walk in the park…

Says the lazy bum who sits on a wooden throne all day. :/ Adding the five points I had gotten from my recent level, I spoke to Pierce and became a Bowman.

Silver never got on, even though I stayed on ’til 16:00 her time.


Also, my good friend Vanya quit playing Maple, without a explanation to the guild he led for over seven months. When I saw him later that week, he gave me some unsatisfactory answer and changed the subject. Hopefully he’ll start playing again once summer comes.

Since the leader of the guild had quit, almost every single member left to form a new one. [4] As the guild window shows, there were eight people in the guild yesterday, down from thirty. I’ve decided not to leave the guild. It may be dead, but it reminds me of happier times.

Due to my lack of people to talk to, I tried to find MasterCheeze. Since he was in Ludi doing the party quest, I messaged him. [5]

And he recognized me! : )

I wanted to add him to my buddy list, but unfortunately it was half-full of people that don’t play anymore but still deserve to stay on. Grumbling and checking my mesos, I upgraded my list for the first time ever.

250k! And that silly Mr. Goldman tries to get business in the map where beginners land. Either there’s some super-secret high-payoff gambling casino on Maple Island, or Goldman harvests the spare kidneys of beginners who faint at his price.

KosmoKatz: ieatpie, stop loggin in and out!
Iepiat: >_<

Yep, I was experiencing a plague of disconnections at the time. I thwacked my cable modem and got on again, hoping that I’d be able to stay on long enough to find Cinnamon, another MMOTer.

Ah… why do you people train in such obscure places? D:

After getting lost to the right of Perion, I finally found the Burnt Lands and Broohinny. [1] She was hanging on a rope, but happily she wasn’t away. I disconnected a few times during our conversation, meaning my boring lecture.

Once, signing back on, I jumped to the bottom of the map to see her ghost. At first, I wondered how in the world a level fifty dies at fire boars. As I was about to type something encouraging about the death, it came to me that beginners don’t lose experience when they die.



10 thoughts on “Aquila lah.”

  1. WHAT?



    Add meh~

    Or I’ll add you.

    Annny ways.

  2. XDXD
    I’m sorry. >< Which day was this? I’ve been Mapling pretty consistently the past few days. . . >>; Gotta love time differences.
    Most likely I wouldn’t be on at 16:00 my time either. Work and all. Higher chances are that I’ll be on around 17:00-ish.
    It’s ‘Iepiat’, isn’t it? *takes note to add to BL*

  3. Lmao, ieatpie, I’m actually eating some lemon pie while I’m reading this!


  4. She was on Gastro aka Snail Queen.
    Hm Iepat I could’ve added you if I still played.
    Poison allows me to train beginners scary fast.

  5. MasterCheeze said: “Lmao, ieatpie, I’m actually eating some lemon pie while I’m reading this!


    Ahem, yeah ummm, Can you save me a slice?

  6. Darkwar4ever said: ” WHAT?



    Add meh~

    Or I’ll add you.

    Annny ways.”

    OMG YOU PLAY IN BROA? When Cheezy told me Saturday that you played, your buddy list was full. :/

  7. Yay everybody plays in Broa now. Gotta get MS to work now lol. Allen help me!

    -=The Nazgul=-

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